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“No,” she answered, voice rough. “I’m so not okay.”

Apparently, she could.

Cooper held her gaze a heartbeat longer and then squeezed her hand. “Let’s go.”

“But…” She glanced down at their half-eaten meal and the second bottle of wine that had just been delivered.

“No,” he said, getting to his feet. “Let’s you and me get out of here.”

Her eyes shot back up to his, and everything inside her stilled. He knew. He knew exactly who the couple was.

Morgan slipped her hand into Cooper’s, hesitating because Nathan and Christy blocked her way to freedom. Cooper bent low, his warm breath feathering across her neck.

“Don’t worry about them. I’ve got this.” He tucked her into his side and they turned to face the two people who had hurt her more than she’d thought possible. Never in a million years did Morgan think she’d have the balls to face them in public, and yet with Cooper at her side, she felt stronger. More in control than she’d felt in a long, long time.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

His hand was warm at her back, they stepped forward.


Cooper didn’t need anyone to tell him who the couple was, because Morgan’s expression told him everything he needed to know. She was still trembling when she took his arm, and he smiled at her reassuringly, hoping he could somehow calm her.

There was only one exit from the dining area, and as they slowly threaded their way through several tables, he was aware most of the patrons in the room were staring. Some from beneath lidded eyes, others not so shyly. Humans were, for the most part, intuitive creatures—he’d made a career out of studying them—and right now, everyone seemed to be aware that some kind of drama was unfolding.

He kept his grip firm on Morgan as he studied the couple. From his own experience, he knew that not every situation was cut-and-dried…that the gray area could overtake black and white, and something that seemed simple was, at best, complicated in the extreme.

And yet, the wave of protectiveness that rolled through him didn’t give a crap about any of that. All he knew was that this woman at his side had been hurt, and he’d do what he could to minimize any further damage.

He didn’t need to know the details of what happened, because it didn’t matter. He simply didn’t care. He was Team Morgan, and he had her back.

They stopped a few feet from the exit, mostly because there was nowhere for them to go, and Cooper wasn’t sure if Morgan would have sailed past them if she could. By this time, he was pretty much supporting her, and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. The hostess was chatting with the woman, a tall, attractive blonde who sported an athletic build, wide-set eyes, and an engaging smile. She hadn’t spotted Morgan yet, but the man certainly had.

He too was tall—Cooper had maybe an inch or two on the guy—and looked like he hit the gym hard. His dark hair was cut short, almost military in look, and he was dressed casually in jeans and leather.

The guy looked startled, surprised, and, if Cooper was reading it correctly, more than a little bit uncomfortable. He opened his mouth to say something but then snapped it shut, shuffling his feet.


Gently, Morgan cleared her throat and spoke. “Hello, Nathan.”

At the sound of her voice, the woman turned, and the hostess watched the exchange, not bothering to hide her interest.

“Oh my God, Morgan. I…” Her voice trailed off and she looked uncomfortable. “I’ve been meaning to call, but…”

Nathan found his voice. He spoke hesitantly and took a step back from the woman. “I heard you were back in town.”

“I heard the same about you.” Morgan stood a little straighter.

“Yes, I’m working with my dad.”

“What a coincidence. So am I.”

An awkward moment passed, and then Morgan turned to Cooper. “This is Nathan and this…this is Christy.” She paused, and her bottom lip trembled.

He gave her a small wink before stepping forward. “Nice to meet you. I’m Cooper.”

The two men shook hands, and Cooper kept his grip firm, his gaze direct. They each took measure of the other in the way that men do, and then Cooper let his hand drop.

Tags: Juliana Stone The Family Simon Romance