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Where had that kiss come from? And when the hell was the last time a simple kiss had pretty much knocked him on his ass?

He frowned and shoved his hands into his pants pockets. He sure as hell knew it wasn’t just him. No woman responded to a touch and kiss like she did unless she was enjoying it as much as he had.

“You gonna tell me what’s going on?” Maverick crossed the kitchen and opened the fridge. He grabbed a cold beer for himself, but Cooper shook his head. He planned on leaving soon, and a late-night beer wasn’t in the cards.

“I’m good.”

Maverick opened his mouth to respond but didn’t have a chance—thank God; the guy could be relentless. Their mother walked into the kitchen, a slow, gentle smile lighting up her face when she spied them. Her hair was loose, falling around her shoulders in soft waves, and without a stitch of makeup on, she was about as far from the jet-set life she’d led these past years as she was from the moon.

“I was wondering where my boys were.”

The hairs on the back of Cooper’s neck instantly stood on end. He looked at Maverick and could tell by the set of his jaw, his brother felt the same. There was something in Isabel’s voice, something in her expression, that had Cooper straightening.

She smiled at him then, as if she knew what he was feeling, and ran her fingers through her hair before tucking a curl behind her ear.

“You want a cup of tea?” Maverick asked.

Isabel shook her head. “No. I’m fine. I was hoping to talk.” Her eyes were overly bright, and the lines around them seemed deeper. It could be that she was just overtired, but Cooper had a feeling there was more to it.

Dread hit him

like a hammer straight to the gut. Maverick’s bullshit meter might be on point, but when it came to shit hitting the fan, Cooper had that one covered. He knew something was up, and whatever that something was, it wasn’t anything good.

He took a moment and gave himself a mental shake. “You want to head to the family room?” he asked, watching his mother carefully.

She nodded, her smile wavering a bit. “That would be nice.”

Cooper and Maverick followed their mother to the family room, and, restless, Cooper didn’t sit but stood near the fireplace, watching Isabel carefully. She slid onto the sofa near him, and a soft sigh escaped.

A shiver rolled over Cooper, and his hands fisted inside his pants pockets. Cold sweat beaded his forehead, and his jaw ached because his teeth were clenched too tightly.

For several moments, there was nothing but the sound of the wind whistling against the house.

“I thought you boys should know Teddy’s moved out.”

Cooper remained silent, as did Maverick. He somehow knew Teddy wasn’t the subject of whatever the hell it was going on with his mother. The fact that he’d moved out? That was a bonus. He’d never liked the man but had learned years ago to keep his opinion of his mother’s lovers to himself.

“You okay with that?” Maverick asked, leaning against the edge of the sofa. His brother glanced at Cooper for a second. It was long enough for Cooper to see fear and concern.

Their mother moistened her lips, and for just a second, her face crumpled a bit. More alarmed than ever, Cooper began to pace.

“It was a long time coming. I’m good with it.” Isabel patted the sofa. “Cooper, come sit with me.”

Stopped dead in his tracks, Cooper exhaled and unclenched his fists before turning around. He sat beside his mother and waited for the hammer to fall.

Again silence filled the air, and when she eventually spoke, her voice was low and intimate. It was a throwback to when he was young, and for a few moments, it took him right back to a time when a hug from his mom could make a skinned knee or a broken arm seem insignificant.

“What is it that you do out there at your place on the water?” She smiled, her blue eyes shiny, and his heart squeezed. “I’d really like to know. No way would my boy spend all that time alone unless it was for a good reason.”

He glanced at Maverick, who gave a small shrug and waited. Other than his cousin Jack, who’d found out by accident, Maverick was the only person on the planet who knew what his deal was. Well, other than his agent.

“What do you think I do?” he asked lightly.

A heartbeat passed. Isabel reached for his hand. Her fingers felt cold as they threaded through his. “I honestly have no clue, but I know whatever it is, it’s something important. Incredible even.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Incredible?” That was not generally a word associated with Cooper Simon. Womanizer. Playboy. Heartbreaker. Those ones were familiar.

She nodded. “It has to be incredible, doesn’t it? For you to go to all this trouble to hide whatever it is?” She squeezed his hand. “I’ve thought of asking before but figured you’d tell me when the time was right.” She paused, seemed to catch her breath, and his chest tightened. “The time is right, Cooper. I need to know.”

Tags: Juliana Stone The Family Simon Romance