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By the time I usher my two bundles of chaos inside, Hunter has already started setting the table. Finn races toward him, shouting that he wants to help, and Hunter puts him to work setting plates on the table. I lean in the doorway and watch them, Hunter handing Finn plate after plate, and Finn setting them down too hard on the table. Hunter never scolds him for it, even though he’s already broken three of them. It’s easy to buy new plates, he says. No use telling him he’s not allowed to help just because he made a mistake.

I steal a few minutes to pick up the cars and blocks and chew toys that forever litter the floor of the living room until my back complains that a woman this pregnant should not be doing this much manual labor. I put a hand on my aching spine, and look up at the rafters, remembering how pristine this house was the first time I saw it, when Hunter and I had only just met.

It’s not as clean anymore, but it has this over its past state—our house is lived in. Hunter pours a scoop of dog food in Gus’ dish, and the puppy bounces over and begins to devour it eagerly. Before I even sit down, Finn is going at his food just as quickly. I smile at Hunter across the table. Yes, there’s definitely more chaos in our lives now, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

After dinner, Hunter nudges Finn. “Want to go for a walk?”

Finn squeals. The sun is beginning to set, but they have another hour or so before it’s dark. “Don’t stay out too long. Though I wouldn’t complain about a soak in a quiet bath.”

“Later,” Hunter says. “I want to show you something.”

There it is again. That mischievous smile. “Okaaaay. Though I’m not sure what could be within walking distance that I haven’t seen before.”

Hunter winks at Finn. “Well, I guarantee you, you haven’t seen this.”

Finn grins, even though I know he doesn’t have any idea what Hunter’s talking about because Finn can’t keep a secret to save his life.

“Well, we better be going then,” I say, and we all put on our shoes, put on light jackets against the evening chill, and head out into the woods. Hunter holds my hand as Finn and Cocoa bound ahead. “So, what is it we’re going to see?” I ask.

Hunter sinks his other hand into his pocket. “It’s a surprise. You wouldn’t want me to spoil it.”

I smile, and Hunter calls ahead to Finn. “This way, kiddo,” he says, and he leads us all west of the house, toward the sunset. After a minute, I recognize the path. This is the way Hunter, and I first walked in these woods, toward the tree stump where we had our first kiss. I smile, remembering how it felt to have his strong arms around me that first time. His hand squeezes mine, and my arms still grow goosebumps.

We’ve lost nothing, over these past years, and I’m hoping for many, many more.

We get to the stump where I stood when Hunter first kissed me, and Hunter scoops me up and lifts me onto it—no small feat in my condition. “Alright, Finn. We’re here,” Hunter calls.

Finn and G

us come racing back. “Where, dad?”

“Here,” Hunter says again, and then, in the dirt in front of the old, disintegrating stump, he bends down on one knee.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

And then out of his pocket, Hunter pulls a small ring box.

I put my hands on my hips. “Alright. Now I’m really confused.”

Finn flings himself across Hunter’s knee, and Gus begins to tug at his pant leg with his teeth, but Hunter ignores them both. “I was just thinking the other day that I never properly proposed. I was thinking on our five year anniversary, maybe we could renew our vows. You’ve made friends in town. We could have a proper ceremony.”

My body feels suddenly light like I’m going to float off this stump. I’ve never minded the way we got married, but this I mind even less. “We might do that,” I say with a wink. “Though I suppose you still haven’t properly proposed.”

Hunter’s face grows serious, his eyes intense as he looks up at me, ignoring the dog and child. God, I adore them. All of them.

“Sophia. You’re the most beautiful, caring woman I’ve ever met in my life. You’re an amazing mother, partner, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You were the biggest risk I ever took, and each morning I look at you, I’m so thankful that you’re mine. I love you more than anything baby, and I’d be honored if you would marry me. Again.”

I burst simultaneously into laughter and tears, and throw myself at him, which might have been a bit impetuous as off-balance as I am. Hunter catches me, and we fall back together in the dirt, my arms around his neck.

“Yes. I said it then, and I’ll say it again. Yes, I want to be your wife.”

“You are his wife!” Finn shouts, and I laugh.

“Yes. And I couldn’t be happier about it.”

Hunter kisses me, and Finn—never one to be left out of a hug—wedges himself between us. I close my eyes, committing the moment to memory, wanting to carry it with me forever and ever.

I’m the luckiest woman in the world.

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Tags: Kelsey King Mountain Man Romance