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Once we catch our breaths, he eases out with a satisfied sigh. He ducks his head down, sealing his mouth over mine once more.

His arms give out, and he collapses next to me with a smile. I laugh, and he lifts his head, looking at me.

“That was incredible,” he breathes out. Turning to face me, he rests his palm over my cheek and grins. “You’re incredible.”

I wrap my fingers around his wrist, holding him there.

“You are too,” I say honestly, and he smiles, the widest, most genuine smile I’ve ever seen on his face.

“I’m out of practice.” He chuckles.

“Just like riding a bike, right?” I tease, and we both laugh. Could’ve fooled me he’s been out of practice because he knew exactly which buttons to press, which makes him even hotter. He worked my body as if he’d been studying it for weeks.

We lay in bed for a moment, catching our breaths before he gets up and drags me with him to the bathroom to clean off and get ready to go to sleep. Once we’re done, Parker brings me to his bed, and I briefly wonder if I should head back to my room, but it doesn’t really matter—the two of us are always up before the kids are anyway.

Parker pulls me to his side, wrapping an arm around me and holding me close. “I can’t believe we did that,” I say, once we’re both under the covers and he’s already half-asleep. He chuckles a soft, breathy laugh.

“Me neither,” he says. He settles in again, and his breath steadies.

I’m left alone with my thoughts, which is something I actively avoid, but honestly, I don’t know any feeling better than this. I’m content and happy, and I never want this to end. I wish we could stay just like this forever.

In his sleep, Parker throws his arm over me, pulling my back into his chest. I snuggle into him and can’t help but think how this will change everything.

I only hope we don’t end up regretting it.



I wake up before Kacee, but only by a few minutes. Those couple of minutes are enough for me to take her in while she sleeps so peacefully. She’s wrapped in my blankets with one arm bent and tucked behind her head, fingers curling near her ear. The other hand is against her chest, her muscles loose with sleep. Her head is tipped, surrounded by golden hair, like a halo. At this moment, I can’t think of any reason why being with Kacee could be wrong because it feels too right. I haven’t had a woman in my bed for years and hadn’t realized how badly I’ve missed it.

Kacee’s face crinkles, her brow pulling together before she blinks her eyes open. She seems confused for a moment, staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling before she turns to look at me. Her face breaks open into a smile, and I think how lucky I am.

“Good morning,” she says, stretching her arms. She settles and looks up at me, happy and stunning as ever.

I lean down to kiss her before I know I have to get up and start breakfast.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I reply, smiling as I caress her cheek and pull her in for a quick kiss. She smells like vanilla and musk. Our scents mixed together are my new favorite. “We should probably make ourselves presentable before the kids wake up,” I mumble against her swollen lips. “Though I’d much rather stay under these warm covers with you.” I wink.

“Yes…” She groans. “Let’s do that.”

“Nice try. Get dressed. I’ll make coffee.”

She rolls her eyes. “Should’ve known you wouldn’t want to sleep in, even now.” Her cheeks go red, and I wonder if she’s reliving the events of last night because I can’t stop thinking about it.

“Of course not,” I tell her, smiling to let her know I’m half-joking. “I’ll be in the kitchen.”

True to my word, I brew a pot a coffee. Eventually, she emerges in new clothes with her hair braided to the side; exactly how it was the first day I laid eyes on her. But now she’s mine. Oh, how things have changed so quickly.

I make her a mug of coffee how she likes it and pass it to her before starting breakfast. We’re happily in a routine and have been for some time. The understanding brings me a sense of satisfaction, and we move around each other to make omelets and bacon like it’s always been this way and I hope it will be from now on.

I want her to stay here, with us forever, but I’m going to have to open up. I know that.

“I want to tell you about her,” I say nervously over the sizzling bacon. She glances up at me from the egg she was cracking with a small smile. “Rebecca. My…late wife.”

“I’d like that,” she says, putting the eggshell down.

Tags: Kelsey King Mountain Man Romance