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Just then, I felt a little kick, a strong push in my belly. Cason chuckled softly and kissed the side of my neck, right over the mark he’d given me. I tilted my head to the side to give him better access, loving his lips on that mark. Hell, who was I kidding? I loved his lips on any part of my body.

“He’s feisty tonight, yeah?”

I turned in his arms and rose on my toes to wrap my hands around his neck. He leaned down so he could kiss me back. I needed his mouth on me desperately. But the kiss wasn’t anything sexual. It was soft and sweet, showing each other how we felt in a physical manifestation. “I think he’s going to be wild like his father,” I said against his mouth, grinning, hearing Cason chuckle again.

“You think you’re not the wild one, little bear?” He gave me another little peck on my mouth before pulling back and cupping my cheeks in his big palms. He stared down at me, his eyes looking into mine.

“You’ve got so much fire in you I don’t think I can ever keep up.” There was an almost astonished, stunned tone to his voice, as if that pleased him. And I knew it did.

“Everyone ready to eat?” Zakari asked and held up two bottles of sparkling wine. Oli held up a bottle of sparkling apple juice for not only me, since I was pregnant, but also for his mate and Asher’s mate, who were withchild. Three mates pregnant at the same time. Not sure what the odds of that were, but it was nice going through something like this with others, sharing that experience, our family growing.

Maddix leaned in close and whispered something into his mate’s ear, and she leaned even closer and snuggled his neck, a glow surrounding her. I could smell she was fertile, knew they’d be trying for another little one very soon.

We all sat around the table, the champagne and sparkling apple juice being poured. The craftsmanship of the table Cason made was extraordinary, with detailing of grizzly bears etched into the side, even little cubs playing together. There was a forest scene carved into the center. It was glossed over, shellacked so it was smooth, pristine. It had taken him six months to build this table, his free time devoted to this project. And all the while, I’d sit with him in his woodworking shop and talk to him, watch him do his thing, be in his element.

And one day, I’d see our son with him in there, both of them working on a project together, creating something that could be used by our families for generations to come.

I looked over at my mother and father, unable to help but smile at the way they were still so in love, how my father seemed more at home in these woods, surrounded by nature, than I’d ever seen him. In fact, my parents were even talking about building a small cabin right outside of town, this little lot of acreage that would allow him to really connect with his shifter side. And I was actually surprised my mother was all for it, that she admitted she loved seeing my father seem so young, so excited about the possibility of things to come.

I wanted all of that for them. I wanted all of that for me as well.

For me and Cason.

As I sat there eating with my family, with the family I never knew I had but had always dreamed off deep down in my soul, I couldn’t help but place my hand on my belly and feel my son kick. Cason’s hand was instantly right over mine, his strength and love for me seeping right down to my very marrow.

I finally belonged.

I finally found the purpose in my life, and that was to be a mate to the shifter right beside me, to be a mother to his children, and to share my life with him until there was no more life to share.

Epilogue Three


Ten years later

“Alex, go get your sister, okay?” I called out from the kitchen and looked over my shoulder to see Alex running out the front door toward the swing set, where I could see Lily going down the slide. The kids might be ten already, and the swing set might be a little too small for them now, but they refused to let Cason tear it down.

Ten years ago, I had a little boy and little girl. Fraternal twins. Lily had been a surprise, so hidden behind her brother that even the ultrasound tech hadn’t seen her. Hell, Alex’s scent had been so strong that not even Cason had been able to smell her.

She was our little surprise—“double the trouble,” we both said about them.

Fiercely different in their own rights, one thing was for certain—Alex was a big brother in all senses of the word. Protective and loyal, caring and gentle.

But Lily was a spitfire, not taking shit from anyone, least of all a bully at school. She’d given the little shit a bloody nose when he pulled on her pigtails. And when Alex found out… he’d given him another bloody nose.

I didn’t condone violence from my children, but defending themselves and protecting each other was a whole other ballgame.

I wiped my hands on the dishrag and turned to watch them. Alex was watching her go down the slide, Lily’s giggle clear and excited. Cason was just a few feet away, working on a bench for my garden.

The kids came running in, and I gestured for them to go to the bathroom to wash their hands before dinner. Cason walked in a few moments later, sweat glistening on his massive body, my heart thundering with arousal. Even all these years later, he made me feel weak in the knees, gave me butterflies in my belly, and I felt myself falling in love with him all over again.

He grinned slowly and gave me a wink, but before he could turn and go get cleaned up, I reached out and took his hand, pulling him toward me. He let out a low growl and pushed my body up against the sink with his, the feel of his erection forming making a small gasp leave me.

“You’re insatiable.”

He growled again, his bear right there, ready to take me, to claim his mate.

My animal rose up as well, clawing to get out, to be with her other half.

Tags: Jenika Snow Bear Clan Fantasy