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Oh, I’ll make her satisfied.

“And I don’t ever chase after women, certainly not when I’m in my bear form.” I offered her a smile, but she kept a stoic expression. “And I don’t go trying to break into people’s homes.”

“Oh, so I’m the lucky one?” There was sarcasm laced in her voice, and I realized it turned me on like nothing else ever had. “The owner of this place is going to be pissed about that door, just to let you know.?


“I know Kurt and his wife. They’ll be fine as long as I fix it.” And I will, not just because it’s my responsibility, but because it’ll have me closer to you. “And I’d only ever act that way for one reason.”

“Yeah?” She moved her crossed arms a little higher under her breasts, popping up those twin mounds a little above her shirt so her cleavage peeked out from the V-neck collar. “And what reason is that?”

A moment of silence passed between us.

“I’d only ever act like this when I’ve found my mate.”

Chapter Five


I had no idea why I’d brought him into the cabin. Maybe it was guilt for the fact I’d stabbed him, even if he had been chasing me and I had been defending myself. He was a shifter, so he healed faster than the average human.

I looked over my shoulder at him sitting at the dining room table, and I felt this need consume me. His words played over in my head on repeat, a continuous loop that made me feel flushed and aroused, confused and excited.

“I’d only ever act like that when I’ve found my mate.”

I took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly.

Is this for real? Mated to a shifter?

What were the chances that I’d come up here for some relaxation, not even be here a full day, and found the man I was fated to be with?

I faced forward and dug around in the cabinets for a first aid kit. I hadn’t brought anything with me that would tend to his wound, but surely there had to be something in here from the owners.

I pushed a couple paper towel rolls out of the way, moved a few cans of corn to the side, and found a little red box with that white cross on the front that told me what I’d find inside.

When I pulled it out from the cupboard, it was covered in dust, probably hadn’t ever been used, but it was all I had so all he would get. I walked back over to the table and sat down in front of him, opening up the lid and seeing what I had to work with. I found a couple squares of gauze, a little container of saline, and some triple antibiotic ointment.

“This has to be expired,” I said to myself as I looked at the ointment.

“I don’t need it. Just slap on a bandage to stop the bleeding. It’ll be nearly healed by morning anyway.”

I glanced up at him, very aware of how close I actually was to him. His blond hair was on the longer side, a little on the wild side, but I had to assume that was because of the whole shifting experience. His eyes were blue, a bright azure color that had my pulse racing just a bit more. And his beard, a trimmed, yet thick blond one, made me think of some pretty dirty and explicit things, such as how it would feel between my thighs.

I felt my face get hot and inwardly cursed, quickly looking away and pretending to be fully interested in the contents of the first aid kit. I needed to control myself. But there was something about this man, this stranger, that had me being pulled toward him. The fact I couldn’t explain it or control it pissed me off.

And then I heard him inhale and I closed my eyes because my embarrassment went up another notch.

He can smell my arousal because he’s a shifter.

Well shit.

I didn’t want to look at him again because I knew he’d be able to see my reaction, which I felt stupid for worrying about because it was clear he already knew. But I found myself looking at his hand, which rested on the table. He was tattooed, covered in dark, swirling ink. He was like a masterpiece, not just because of those designs, but because of the whole package.

Although he had a blanket wrapped around his waist, one I’d tossed to him as soon as he’d stepped through my door, I could clearly see the hard, huge outline of his erection right under it.

I let my gaze travel up his abdomen, one that was hard and tight, with ridges and hills of muscles, a sight that had my panties soaked and my nipples hard. I knew I was so far gone in my arousal I was all but moaning out loud.

Cleaning my throat, I tried to get back to the task at hand.

Tags: Jenika Snow Bear Clan Fantasy