Page 89 of Sharing Hannah

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“It’s all totally understandable,” Brody went on. “Sometimes things look better at night than they do in the morning.” He let out an honest laugh. “It’s all good.”

“No, no,” I jumped in. “It’s not like that.”

My whole body shuddered with excitement. I couldn’t believe what I was saying.

“I mean, it’s not that I wasn’t into… well…” I let out an exasperated sigh. “I guess…”

“You guess what?”

After another pause, I laughed nervously. “I guess I don’t know what I mean.”

My hand trembled. The phone felt warm against my ear. Long seconds of silence ticked by, and then:

“So you’re into it?”

My heart leapt into my throat. Of course you’re not into it! Tell him you’re not into—

“I— I really don’t know…”

Brody chuckled in a soothing, non-mocking way. “It’s okay, we get it. No rush here. This certainly isn’t something for everyone.” He cleared his throat huskily. “Let’s start with your name.”

Your name? I froze again. Don’t tell them your name!

“Lauren,” I blurted helplessly.


“Hmmm…” the voice on the other end purred. “Lauren’s a sexy name.”

I had to laugh. “I’ll bet you say that to all the girls.”

“Oh I definitely do,” Brody allowed, chuckling right back at me. “But in this case, fact is still fact.”

I couldn’t believe it. I was actually flirting with this guy! And he, of course, was flirting right back with me.

“Are you still in Vegas tonight, Lauren?” the voice asked, after another spat of silence.

I nodded silently before speaking. “Yes.”

“Good,” said Brody. “I’ve got an idea then. Wanna hear it?”


“Let’s try this: You take the day. Go out, do your thing, enjoy the beautiful sights in Vegas. And then later tonight, after dinner? You meet us for drinks. Corey and I.”

The lump was back in my throat again. It was competing with the knife in my belly.


“Yes, drinks,” he replied innocently. “Your hotel has a bar, doesn’t it?”

“Of course.”

“There you go,” said Brody. “We’ll meet you down there, and the three of us will have a drink. Just one drink. That’s it.”

“One drink…” I repeated.

“Sure,” said Brody. “At worst, we’ll get to know each other a little. Share a few laughs. Maybe have some fun together, before we go our separate ways.”

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic