Page 31 of Snowed In

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A hand closed over mine, pinning it to table. “Morgan, you’re freezing.”

“No I’m not.”

Shane released my wrist and my hand went back to shaking again. Actually my whole arm was trembling. I hadn’t even realized it.

“We need to get the fire started first,” he said firmly. “Let’s get it going now. We’ll get warmed up, melt some snow, and get re-hydrated.”

Reluctantly I agreed. I put everything down.

“After that we can scavenge this place some more, all three of us. But I want the fire going before anything else. Before it gets dark.”

We headed over to the fireplace, where the two of them already had a nice assembly of kindling all ready to go.

“Bow drill?” I asked, looking around for something I could use for a spindle and a fire board. Some of the aluminum wire might serve as—

“Matches,” Jeremy smirked, holding up an old match box.

“Even better.”

Shane took the matchbox from him and knelt before the hearth. There were old newspapers at the bottom. Dirty rags. Everything was dry, everything looked good.

“This is going to feel totally amazing,” Jeremy smiled, holding his hands out. “My body is ready!”

Shane struck the first match. It lit on the first try.

“We’re going to make this fire so fucking big they’ll see the smoke for miles,” Shane declared proudly. “Even through the storm.”

As he swung his hand into the firebox, a loud, shrill whistle caused us all to whip instantly around.

“Not without clearing that chimney, you’re not.”



To our amazement, there was a man standing behind us! And a huge one at that.

He was tall and broad — bigger even than Shane or Jeremy — and his presence dominated the foyer. From the waist down he was covered in snow — boots, pants, and everything. But from the waist up…

From the waist up, he was peeling his clothes off.

“Fuck yeah!” screamed Jeremy. “Woo-hoo! We’re out of here!”

He ran up to clap the man on the back, even as he was pulling his jacket and hoodie over his head. Beneath it he wore a thin, sleeveless T-shirt. His massive chest — and impressively bulging arms — were both covered in tattoos.


Everything was wet — soaked through with a combination of sweat and snow that made his remaining clothing stick to his body.

A body right out of any girl’s wildest dream.

“Don’t take your coat off now man, we’re all ready to go back,” said Jeremy happily. But Shane knew better.

“He’s not here to rescue us,” Shane said coldly. “Are you?”


There was a moment of silence. A moment of disappointment.

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic