Page 24 of Snowed In

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Somehow his answer seemed to satisfy me. For some silly, girlish reason, it was the answer I was looking for.

“But there’s a first time for everything.”



We woke before her, slipping out of the sleeping bags and back into our jackets before she knew we were gone. Even asleep

she looked stunningly beautiful. Like some red-tressed goddess, lost in peaceful slumber.

It took only a minute to get down to the lobby. And another minute to realize our worst fears:

The storm had gotten worse.


Shane wasn’t dealing well with the situation, and I knew why. Out of all of us — every one of our fraternity brothers back home — he spent the least amount of time inside the chapter house.

“It’s gotta clear up soon,” I said. “Don’t worry.”

He shook his head, not wanting to hear it. Shane hated being cooped up. He hated being stuck inside during a rainstorm, much less a blizzard that had raged for more than two days.

No, Shane was definitely an outdoorsman.

“Think they’re searching for us yet?” he asked hopefully.


“Why not?”

“Just look at it man,” I said, pointing to the opening I’d crawled in from. “The snow’s four or five feet higher than it was yesterday. It hasn’t stopped.”

My ‘doorway’ to the outside was virtually choked with snow. When I’d first found it, it was easily visible from outside. But now…

“They have to be looking for us,” Shane disagreed. “They can’t just leave us out here in this! They can’t—”

“They think we’re dead, bro.”

The statement was harsh, but it was also reality. I let it sink in before continuing.

“They think we’re buried under that avalanche, which came down both sides of the mountain. If they’re looking for us anywhere, it’s on the other side, not here.”

I rubbed my hands together. Not having gloves was an absolute bitch. It was already so cold, even with the sun coming up. I wanted to crawl back into the sleeping bags, where it was all warm and snug.

I wanted to curl my body back up against Morgan…

Last night had been absolutely bananas. Sharing a girl sexually wasn’t something I ever thought I’d be into! But just watching her… seeing her body respond to both me and Shane? Somehow it went beyond hot.

And she’s perfect, too.

That was the funny part. That this girl could be that much like me and yet that pretty at the same time. She was impossibly adorable, and geeky cute. As dorky as she was beautiful.

She doesn’t kiss like a dork though, that’s for sure.

I sighed, thinking about our short little conversation. She knew everything I’d grown up with — I was absolutely sure of it. Everything that made up my life before football. Back when my friends all rolled dice and swung imaginary swords after school, rather than spending hours doing push-ups and performing tackling drills, all while ogling cheerleaders.

Morgan was my before fantasy. The white whale of my dorky past. The girl my earliest friends and I always dreamt about; one who could point out the original lineup of the Justice League with one hand while solving a Rubik’s Cube with the other.

Tags: Krista Wolf Erotic