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“What of it?” I back away from Micah, trying to remain calm. This mother fucker is gonna push me too far one day, and I’m gonna put a bullet or a blade in him.

“I think your bitch likes this,” he tells me, as he pulls his fingers out of her, and I notice they are wet. His fingers are dripping with her juices. “Thought you only licked to scissor with other bitches,” he growls at her and thrusts his fingers back inside her.

“She’s still wet from me, idiot,” I snap at him. He flings Nadia to the door. “Leave before I put a bullet in your head.” His hand moves to his belt. “I’m going to enjoy spanking you into submission.”

“You’ll need a bigger belt,” I taunt him.

“Sweetheart, the belt is for your neck, so I can choke the air from you as you claw and beg for me to fuck you.”

Nadia doesn’t move, appearing about to attack him from where she’s crouched, and Micah notices it. Pulling out his gun he aims it right for her face. “No!” I shriek as she drops to the ground, likely dead.

“I told her I was going to do that, she didn’t listen, and you only have yourself to blame,” he says, shrugging as he kicks her body over on the floor.

Keeping my tears at bay, I struggle with my breathing. I don’t care about anyone but if I did, Nadia would be my number one. “You’re here, she’s gone, now what the fuck do you want?”

“You, obviously, and imagine my surprise when I see you enjoying a bitch lapping at your pussy. My pussy. Hope you enjoyed it. Because once my ring is on your finger, I’ll be putting a baby in you. No more booze, drugs, parties. Prancing around like you are some sort of badass. You belong to me, Trinity. Your pussy is only for my enjoyment. You don’t get off unless I say. You don’t let some fucking whore between your thighs unless I give my blessing.”

I roll my eyes and flick my nails. “Is that all. You’re really bringing my vibe down.”

“I’m bringing you down.” He grabs the back of my head, slamming his mouth down on mine. The moment he tries to slip his eel of a tongue in my mouth I bite the tip of it nearly severing it. “Da fuck.” He jerks back holding his mouth as blood seeps out. “Futhin’ bitch.”

“What’s wrong?” I laugh. “Cat got your tongue.”

His arm pulls back and slams into my nose, instantly I drop my head backwards as I feel the blood leaking out of it. “I warned you, bitch.” He kicks my legs out, sending me slamming to the floor as he undoes his pants, his cock hard as he pulls it out. “You want it this way, you’ll get it this way.” Micah pins both my arms over my head with one hand. “You pushed me to this.,” he growls, thrusting himself inside me. “Maybe next time your bitch friend can play with your clit while I’m inside you.” He laughs. “Wait, she can’t, unless you like fucking corpses.” He lets go, and I slap him. He j

ust laughs louder and drives into me harder.

“Get the fuck off me.” I scream, shoving at him and trying to move away. He only keeps power driving himself inside me, not letting me up.

“You keep fighting me, Trin. I’ll fuck you in the ass next,” he says, as he pins my arms above my head again. “Maybe I’ll make you eat that dead bitch’s cunt too.”

“I’ll kill you before I allow that to happen.” I spit at him.

“You’ll do whatever the fuck I want. And you’ll like it too. Soon my ring will be on your finger, and I’ll wake up like this every morning.” He draws back and hammers into me. My back rubs against the carpet as it bites at my skin leaving a mark.

“The hell you will,” a dark voice growls. A voice that is deep and sexy. My eyes widen with my smile when I open them and see a lethal mother fucker pointing a gun to the back of Micha’s head.

Micah stills inside me and pushes away slowly as his cock goes soft.

Chapter 5


“Who the fuck are you?”

“The bastard who’s going to send you to hell.” I grin and pull the trigger. No point in dragging this shit out.

Trinity. The bitch I was sent here for smirks up at me with blood splattered across her cheek and staining her blonde hair. She’s even more gorgeous up close and seeing her covered in blood makes me hard. “I could’ve handled him.” She pulls her robe around her and I hold out a hand to help her up from the floor.

“Yeah. Looked like you were handling…” I glance at the dead fucker’s dick. “All impressive six inches.” I snort and she laughs.

“Who are you really?” she asks, as she pulls on some clothes she picked up by her bed.

“My name isn’t important. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I have my orders doesn’t matter to me.” I shove my gun back in my waistband.


“Been watching you for days. Your security is shit.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard The Prospect Romance