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I haven’t decided what their punishment should be yet. I want them to be scared and wondering when I’m going to fucking collect. It could be today, tomorrow, or next fucking year. Whenever I have an itch that can’t be scratched, I’ll call on them.

I get to the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I need some damn privacy to shit and shower in peace. I haven’t had a moment to myself hardly in over two weeks.

I get stripped down and look down at my hairy legs. Killer didn’t complain about them once, but I’m going to shave them for him. I need to get to the salon for another wax soon too. I like keeping my goods looking neat. No one wants to eat a pussy and get a mouthful of hair.

Chapter 21


I watch Trinity walk away, and I wish I could follow, and not to fuck for once, but to wash up too. I feel like total ass, probably smell like it too. Taking a seat next to Hush, I motion for the prospect behind the bar to get me a coffee. What I really want is a fucking whiskey, but that can wait for now.

“So what’s going on?” I ask.

“The shit with the mob and Demons will wait for Trinity. I’m gonna give you the basics for now. You might need to calm her down when she hears this shit.” He chugs back his own coffee and slams it on the bar top. “You’re an official member of the club, that is, if you want it. Second, you’ll be taking over Trin’s club. Changing it to a Jacks Devils charter and running it as a real club. No more of them pussy bitches playing all tough.” Fuck, a patched in member, I can handle, taking Trin’s club from her, but she’ll fucking murder me, and Hush.

“You do know what you’re giving me is fucking awesome, brother, but that bitch will murder me,” I state the obvious.

He chuckles. “If anyone can handle Trinity, man, I think you’ve proven it’s you. We’re all kind of counting on it when I break the news to her in a few.”

“Fucking hell,” I mutter. “Prospect. Another cup, better pour me a double shot of whiskey into it while you’re at it.”

The prospect nods and slides a mug to me.

“You might need to smoke this before she gets out of the shower.” Hush hands me a blunt. He ain’t fucking kidding. Bitch is gonna fucking snap and kill all of us.

I down my coffee and light up the puff puff pass taking a heavy hit. Then another. I cough and motion to the prospect for more whiskey. “Fuck. Just give me the whole bottle.”

The bathroom door opens and Trin walks out looking fresh as a damn daisy. “All yours, hot stuff.”

I nod and look to Hush. He gives me the go ahead, and I can’t get out of this room fast enough. I’m not sure I’m ready to face my crazy cunt’s wrath just yet. Hell, maybe I’ll get lucky and by the time I’m out of the shower Trin will have offed them all because I’d much rather that than have to tell her that I’m taking over her damn clubhouse and club.

She’s already threatened my eyes. For this who knows what the fuck she’ll want to take for payment.

When I get out of the shower Trinity is sitting at the bar with Thrash and Hush eating a slice of pizza and laughing.

Fuck me.

They haven’t told her yet. Bastards are waiting on me. The room begins to fill with more members. No whores are around. Probably better that they aren’t. She’d take them out first. I approach them slowly feeling like I’m walking on damn death row. Trinity takes one look at my face and she knows something’s up. Thrash and Hush turn to look at me with grim faces.

“Hey, baby. We need to talk,” I tell her.

She stops chewing and dabs at her mouth with a napkin. “Okay. So talk. We’re all friends here, right?”

I cup the back of my neck. Fuck it here it goes. “Listen, you know your club was fucked. Happy and Hush have offered me a place here. I proven my loyalty to you and them. The thing is though, you’re no club Pres. Your club is being patched over, and I’m taking it over.”

Trin nods and sucks in a deep breath. Her head

falls back as laughter rips from her throat.

Aw hell her bitch switch has been flipped.

I’m braced next to a few other members, hell, we’re practically a wall surrounding her. All of us are just looking at each other with a ‘what the fuck’ look.

Finally she stops laughing and looks at us before grabbing the phone that was resting on the bar top. “Whose phone is that?” I whisper, not wanting to make a sound in case Trinity attacks.

“Fuck, it’s mine,” Hush mutters.

“Yo, it’s Trin. I hear you been hunting me.” She rolls her eyes. “Bitch, put me on speaker.” I watch as she does the same, placing the phone on the bar top and smiling, so big, I’m literally shaking right now. This cunt makes me nervous. Fuck. What is she doing? Not one of the brothers in this room is moving either.

Tags: Glenna Maynard The Prospect Romance