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Well shit, can I handle four women at once?

The woman I dragged down here with me starts taking her clothes off and lays on the bed with the other three. She smiles at me as she starts to play with her clit. She has a bitch on each side of her sucking on her titties. The fourth bitch grabs me by the hand and pulls me down on the bed as I kick the door shut.

My shirt comes up over my head and is tossed aside. I kick my boots off then my jeans. I feel like I am at a damn pussy buffet. Fuck yeah. I reach into the bowl of condoms on the nightstand and roll one on. These bitches start playing musical chairs with my dick, each taking a seat on my lap and riding me hard.

The next morning, I awaken to one of the bitches stuck to my chest. I maneuver to remove myself from the tangled limbs. I gotta take a damn leak. I shove up off the bed and open the window. I start pissing when someone shouts, “Goddamnit, Prospect.” I look down to see I just pissed on Loco. I shake my dick and give him the finger. I hate that prick anyway.

I shake my head trying to wake up and pull my clothes back on from the night before. As I sit on the edge of the bed putting my boots back on one of them bitches from last night runs a hand along my neck. “You were wonderful last night, lover.”

I shrug her hand off. “Fuck off. I got shit to do.”

Downstairs, Prez calls me into his office. Slumping down in the chair, I’m still feeling hu

ngover from all the pussy I had last night. “Got a job for you. Rico is gonna come with you. This is between you and me. No one else needs to know.”

I nod, and he hands me a slip of paper with an address.

“Rico knows what I want. Get gone.”

I look up the address. It’s for a strip club. I wipe a hand over my head and grab a quick shower before meeting up with Rico.

I can’t be looking for today’s fuck with last night’s pussy still clinging to me.


Well fuck me, like an arrow shot straight through my heart, I think I’m in fuckin’ love. “Who is that?” I slap Rico in the gut as a raven-haired beauty takes to the stage.

“Don’t even fuckin’ look, brother. She’s not for you. That is Tricky Dick’s old lady, Star.”

“What’s she doing dancing in a dump like this then?” I watch as her lean legs wrap around the pole. Goddamn the sexy bitch knows how to work it. She’s grinding her snatch on the pole putting on one helluva show. My dick grows harder as I watch her perform. Her perfect tits bounce under her beaded top. Damn the things I could do with a sexy siren like her beneath me.

As if she knows I am having all sorts of fucked up and dirty thoughts about her, the most dangerous, exotic green eyes meet mine and she blushes as I shoot her a cocky grin.

Rico shakes his head. “You’re asking for trouble if you go barkin’ up that tree, Prospect.”

Licking my lips, I can’t help but picture her riding my face. “Trouble is my middle name.” I knock back the rest of my beer and walk toward the stage.

Tricky’s cunt slithers across the stage like a viper ready to strike. Her pearly whites dig into her bottom lip as I toss a few bills on the stage. If I were him, I would be damned if anyone saw her naked.

Rico joins me and reminds me, I’m not here for pleasure, I’m here to gather intel. Tricky Dick has been moving in on the territory of the club I am prospecting for, the Jacks Devils.

My Prez, Happy, sent me along with Rico because I’m an unknown prospect and he’s a nomad who owes Happy a marker. Tricky Dick doesn’t know who the fuck I am, but I know who he is. Bastard has been tapping our girls, getting them hooked on his meth. Happy and the rest of the Jacks Devils won’t stand for it, but until I get solid proof, we can’t make a move without starting up a lot of shit. So here I am, undercover seeing if I witness any of our girls dancing or buying.

“Give it up for Star,” the emcee announces as the music filters into a new song.

I rub my chin, wondering how much grief Rico will give me if I buy a lap dance from Tricky’s bitch. I know I shouldn’t be tempted but fuck, I have never seen a more beautiful woman. She’s dangerous and hot as fuck, a combination that nearly has my dick ripping through the teeth of my zipper to have a go at her.

“I gotta hit the head,” I lie.

“Don’t do it. I’m telling ya, man.” He shakes his head.

“Fuck off.”

“I can see it written all over your face. You won’t stop until you fuck this bitch, but will the cunt be worth the price?”

“If she gives up the deets on Tricky, fuck yeah. If all I get is some pussy, then so be it.” I shrug and wait for Star to work the floor.

Chapter 2

Tags: Glenna Maynard The Prospect Romance