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I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and sit down at the table and start cutting my steak. It’s pink and juicy just like Nikki’s cunt was earlier when I fucked the hell outta her.

Susan takes her seat across from me and slides a piece of paper toward me. “What’s this?” As I chew my bite, I pick the paper up and start reading. I drop my fork and it clangs against the plate as I read the results of her lab work. She’s fucking pregnant.

“You know this means you’ll have to marry me but Happy will probably give you your cut after. Or decide to kill you if you don’t.” She smiles sweetly at me and I swallow my food trying not to throw up. A kid with Susan is the last fucking thing I want or need. She gets up from her seat. “Aren’t you excited?”

I look up at her and I want to tell her to get rid of it, but even I ain’t that much of a monster. “No. I’m not fucking happy. A kid means I will have to share you. Means more money. Means shitty diapers. Late night feedings. Constant crying. Nasty ass stretch marks not to mention how loose your cunt will be after,” I growl trying to plant the seed in her head without being a bastard and straight up telling her to go to the clinic. Never really wanted to be a father but I sure as shit don’t want a kid with this stupid cunt.

She looks scared as I stand up and flip the table over. Stalking into her space I wrap my hand around her neck, and we keep moving until she’s against the wall.

“Did you do this on purpose? Told me you were on some shot when I fucked you.”

“I was, I was getting a refill and they tested me first, and…” I cut her off squeezing her throat tighter as I run my hand up her leg and shove two fingers up her cunt. Dry. What a shame. Too bad I don’t care.

“You wanted me trapped. We both know that.” Removing my fingers from her cunt I shove my jeans down and before she can protest. I push my cock right inside her, fully seated in her cunt. Might be dry but it’s loose so can’t hurt her too much. “I never wanted kids. At least none of my own. Sure, you may have gotten what you wanted, knocked up by a dirty biker, but you’ll never be my legal wife. You want the title of Old Lady, you got it. But that’s all you’re getting. Not me, not my fidelity, and this,” I say as I continue slamming into her dry cunt as she cries, “will be the last fuck you get from me unless I decide to share you.”

I pull out to the

tip and ram back inside her. Tears burn in her eyes, but she doesn’t speak. Doesn’t fight it. A sick and twisted part of her probably enjoys this shit. Bet if I popped her in the mouth, she’d cum. Susan is a sick bitch. I pull out of her when my balls tighten and force her to her knees. Jacking my cock until cum shoots out and I aim it for her face. Sure, it gets in her hair, but this is what she wanted isn’t it. Giving myself a final shake, I demand, “Clean me.” She does. But she’s not overly careful with her teeth. “Going to the clubhouse. Clean up that shit.” I point to the food in the floor. “See you when I fuckin’ see you.” I tuck my dick back in my jeans and leave to find some decent pussy at the clubhouse. As I go out the door, I look back at her. “I’ll send your girlfriend over after I fuck her, and you can lick my cum outta her asshole.” I laugh as she stares off with hurt in her eyes. And here I thought she didn’t have feelings. I shrug it off and slam the door.

Chapter 13


I could barely breathe as this dirty bastard tightened his hold on my neck. He plowed into me without a care in the world. Normally words don’t hurt, everything he said while raping me does. As he continued to rape me, I tried to think of a plan to get exactly what I want. I won’t be a whore. I’ll demand a marriage. Looks like I might have to go seek out ‘daddy’ and force his hand. I don’t want this kid, it seems this idiot bastard doesn’t either. I thought maybe for a minute I could love the thing growing in my belly, but I was mistaken. I could kill two birds one stone. Get an abortion, which I already have lined up for later today. And for ‘daddy’ to make him marry me.

I hear my phone ring from my purse as I finish cleaning myself up and the mess the fucker made. On the third ring I finally pull it out, ‘Mother’ shows on my display. “Hello, Mother.”

“Susan, I will pick you up in twenty minutes, be ready, we’ll get that thing taken care of, then we’ll go to your father,” she replies not wasting any time. She hangs up before I can utter another word. I’m just thankful this thing will be out of me soon. How stupid was I to actually get knocked up? The plan was never for me to actually get pregnant, but hey, at least I wasn’t lying when I told Grady I was pregnant.

Now to simply take care of the problem and continue on as if nothing has changed. It doesn’t matter he didn’t want this. All I need is him to marry me and to keep to the plan to set him up to take the fall for everything when we get rid of Happy and take all of the money for ourselves.

Mother picks me up and I start to tell her I’ve changed my mind when my hand goes to my stomach, but I know what she’ll say. That the baby will only burden me and bring me down. I have to go through with this. I can’t be strapped down with Grady’s kid.

As I sit in the waiting room waiting for my name to be called, I keep telling myself that this is the best choice. I don’t care about this thing inside me. All it will do is ruin my body. And a girl like me…I rely on my looks. Sounds shallow but it’s true.

Chapter 14


I heave once more over the toilet before sitting back on my ass. Grabbing some toilet paper, I wipe my mouth. A week of this. I know exactly what is wrong with me. At first, I thought the flu, especially since Sophia just had it last week. This is exactly how I found out I was pregnant the first time. Shit. How will I explain this to Tricky? We haven’t had sex, or a rape night, in months. He’s either too busy fucking other women or he’s drunk.

That’s it. I’ll say he was drunk when we made this baby, he barely remembers anything when he’s drunk so it will work. It has to. He’s gonna beat me anyways, but he’d kill me if he found out this is another man’s child.

I finish brushing my teeth and walk out of the bathroom, and there he stands, the monster I married, glaring at me. “You’re pregnant,” he states. Fuck, he knows, he must have heard me getting sick all week. I nod, scared to open my mouth. Suddenly my head whips to the side and the taste of blood fills my mouth. Grabbing me roughly he drags me down the hall and into the living room. I notice one of the bouncers from the club I dance at sitting on my couch, and he stands the second we enter the room.

“Hit play,” Tricky tells him. Minutes later, I realize what this is. Oh god, he’s going to kill me. My moans fill the room as Prospect pounds into me. “Enough. Leave,” Tricky grunts out. The bouncer leaves without looking back. Without caring that Tricky is about to murder me for what I’ve done.

I try to pull away from the hold he has on me, but it doesn’t work. His face is twisted into a look I have never seen before, and I’ve seen a lot of his looks, but this one is worse than ever.

“You fuckin’ slut. All I do for you, and you repay me by being a whore and fuckin’ cheating on me?” He roars in my face. I want so badly to smart off to him, letting him know he’s done shit all for me, except make me a slave and rape me whenever he wants inside me.

“That child you’re carryin’ ain’t mine, which means, I gotta take care of the problem.” My eyes widen before his fist connect with my stomach.

I scream as his hits become constant. “Tricky, please stop.” Those words only fuel his anger and it’s not until I see the knife coming for me that he just pulled from his waistband, that I know this is truly it for me—the end. I start fighting back as hard as I can, which causes his knife to go wide, stabbing me in the shoulder.

“Mom?” I hear Sophia call out. Tricky stops his onslaught and we both turn to look at her. Her face is etched with fear all over it, thick tears streaming down her face. In an instant, she grabs the vase on the bookcase by her and throws it. It breaks over Tricky’s head and I want to smile so badly, but everything hurts, and I can’t. That’s my girl, I think to myself.

My proud moment is short lived. Because it’s also when I see where his evil expression is directed. He punches me once more in the face and gets off me, going for Sophia. I can’t let him touch her. No way. I get up, noticing the knife he used on me is lying on the floor. When I pick it up, I see Sophia’s hair in his fist, and before he can think about hitting her, I jump on his back, and stab the knife into his throat.

Tags: Glenna Maynard The Prospect Romance