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His lips pepper down my back, raining kisses on me. His hands roam over the curve of my butt. “You’re so beautiful, baby.” He pulls out and thrusts back in deep and hard. He comes at me harder and faster, hammering me into the mattress.

His fingers circle my clit, rubbing me so tenderly as he pumps in and out at a more leisurely pace.

“Oh, god,” I cry out, so damn close to my orgasm detonating. I am so primed and more than ready to feel his release, to feel him come with me.

His teeth rake across my shoulder. Then he cries out in what sounds like a battle cry of victory and we are coming together.

He collapses next to me in a sweaty, exhausted, but sated heap. His fingers brush through my hair, removing the strands that are stuck to my forehead.

I smile sheepishly at him. “I love you, Holden.”

“I know, baby, I know,” he says smiling back at me as my eyelids flutter.


It’s late in the day when I awaken. Holden’s side of the bed is empty all but a note on his pillow.


Gone to the bar. Sleep in and get some rest. I feel like the luckiest man alive to call you mine. I promise you I will make you so damn happy. You will never go a day without knowing how much I love you and what you mean to me. You’re the sun in my sky, my own personal ray of sunshine on the cloudiest of days. But with you by my side, I know there are only great days ahead. I know things have moved fast and they haven’t been easy, but never doubt that I love you and that you are the only woman I will ever have eyes for.

All my love,


Clutching his letter to my bare chest I smile wide. He does love me, I know it.

I grab one of his t-shirts from the nearby chair and slip it over my head and pad down the hall to the bathroom. I brush my teeth diligently and take a quick shower after relieving my full bladder. Taking my time, I get myself fixed up to go see Holden at the bar. I miss him desperately already. Just as I am getting ready to leave Ezra shows up to get his things.

I go into the kitchen and send Holden a text. I am sure he would have told me if he knew Ezra would be here. There is a butterfly bandage on his nose and his eyes are black and blue with hints of purple shading. I wince taking in his beaten appearance. I would hate to see what Holden would have done to him had I told him he smacked me.

Surprisingly, Ezra doesn’t have any rude remarks. He simply says, “I won’t be long. I just came for what’s mine.”

I merely nod, unsure of whether I should stay or go. Finally, I decide on staying, if only to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. I settle on the couch and pull up my email. I have a letter from my dad.


I have great news. I met with the parole board and they have granted me an early release. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be given this second chance. I hope that this message finds you well and that when I get settled in at Beth’s in

two weeks you will visit with me. I am going to live with her, and she has agreed to give me a job doing maintenance around her shop and at an apartment building she owns. I plan to marry her and hope that you will attend the ceremony. I love her. She’s a wonderful woman who sees the good in me just as you always have. I am enclosing her address and telephone number so you know how to reach me.

I love you and hope to see you soon,


I close out his message with a smile on my face and move to the next message in my inbox.

I have a new message from the publisher, they have come back with a counteroffer, and I jump up out of my seat without sparing a second glance at Ezra. I have to show this to Holden. I have to share my good news with him.

As I am driving to the bar, I get a call from Wren and Bailey.

Chapter 30


I feel like a new man today. I have the love of my life at home in my bed and my brother should be here soon. We are having the papers drawn up to make him my business partner. I spoke with my attorney and he assured me that Reese has received the divorce papers and he is awaiting her signature to get this put behind me. I only wish I hadn’t waited so long. I’m ready to move forward and build a life with Conleigh. I’m doing this with Wren in hopes of securing a better life for her. I want her to pursue her writing and not worry about her car payments or asking her mom for help. She doesn’t need anyone, she has me.

“Hey, Missy. Glad to see you back. How’s that princess doing?”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Romance