Page 20 of The Weight Of Us

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“Good.” He grins, dazzling me with his charming smile.

I’m saved from choking on more of my words by the arrival of Nate. About damn time too.

Chapter 10


Parking my bike in the garage after weaving through the cars, I can hear the chatter and laughter cutting through the music. As much as I hate shit like this, I know Ma and the old man are enjoying it. They love a full house. Ma always said she would never have a quiet house. She just knew her three kids were going to give her tons of grandkids. Well, I am sure Joe JR would have, and there is still hope for Natalie. I’m too fucked up to be a dad. Thinking about kids makes my palms sweaty and my head hurt.

I sneak into the kitchen while everyone is gathering outside and take one of my pills. I know a few people that are here, but the crowd of people waiting to see me makes me anxious. At the bar, I was able to hang back, doing my own thing, and no one bothered me, other than Audrey. I know as soon as I step outside, I will be bombarded with hugs, well wishes, and questions about overseas. Not to mention condolences for my brother. I don’t need their apologies. It’s done and over with.

He’s dead and gone, and life must go on without him. I try to ignore his tombstone staring at me from the other end of the lawn as I walk out to the tent where everyone is taking their seats. A

unts, Uncles, cousins, friends—exes.

Why is Felecia here? Shit, I wasn’t prepared for this. Her nasally laugh echoes through the trees as she slinks her way over to where I stand. Of course she’s the first to notice me.

“Oh my God! Look at you all manly and beefed up. The Army did your body good.” She bites her bottom lip and winks as she squeezes my arm. My dick shrivels at the sight of her. She always did try too hard. I can see her nipples broad as day. I know Ma is behind this, I just don’t understand why.

I liked Felecia well enough when we dated, but I’m not looking to pick up where we left off. I take a step back as she circles me like her prey.

“You haven’t changed a bit,” I say attempting to be polite.

“This old thing, I just threw it on right quick. I couldn’t wait to get over here and see everyone. I ran into your Ma at the grocery store, and when she told me you were home, I knew I just had to see you for myself.”

I roll my eyes. It all makes perfect sense. She invited herself. Figures.

“Well good to see ya.” I step past her and make for my Uncle Sid. He can’t hear, and he loves to drink beer, making the perfect companion.

My dad joins us at the far end of the tent. “That there’s a sure thing. Thought maybe you’d be happy to see her.” He stares past me to Felecia as she makes an ass out of herself.

I don’t know what she was expecting to get out of showing up here, but I want no part of her.

“Not interested.” No not in the least. A certain woman who shouldn’t be on my mind is taking up way too much space in my head. I can’t get her voice out of my head. I can’t believe Audrey is that girl, from three years ago. Funny I met her first, and she doesn’t know it. I wonder if Joe would find that ironic.

Ma’s eyes find me, and she smiles so proud that it makes me feel like shit for not wanting to be here. She clinks a fork against a glass to capture everyone’s undivided attention. Her dark eyes roam around the tent so proud of the turnout.

“I just want to say a few words and then we can all eat. The past few months have been terrible. I wouldn’t wish losing a son on anyone, but today my other son has come home. While we still miss my Joe JR, God love him, I am so happy to have Nate home with us.”

“Here, here,” rings out around the party.

“Now let’s eat,” Dad yells with a pat to my back. I join Natalie on the serving side of the buffet to help out, and to avoid Felecia and her barbed tentacles.

My sis takes care of the sides and I pour drinks. Everyone keeps telling me how great it is to see me, and for Ma’s sake I nod while grinning and bearing all the unwanted attention.

After everyone has their plates Natalie and I fill ours, taking our places at our parent’s table. Thankfully, Felecia is sitting elsewhere. Looks like Trey is stuck with her. I didn’t even realize he was home. I lost track of him after I landed in Afghanistan.

His gaze is deadlocked with my sister. Interesting. I wonder what I missed there. He better not of dicked around and broke her heart. I’ll kick his ass. I know the two of them were always crushing on each other. They just thought the rest of us had never noticed.

“So…what’s with the kill Trey vibe you’re sending out?” I ask before shoving Ma’s pasta salad in my mouth.

“It isn’t important,” she mumbles.

“Did he hurt you, say something, what?”

“Easy, killer. Nothing I can’t handle. By the way, Audrey tells me you’re an asshole. Want to tell me why you went all fuckwad on her today?”

Ma hears her mention Audrey’s name and has to stick her nose in our conversation. “What about Audrey? Did you meet her? Poor girl.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Romance