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Well that went over well. I leave him to work through his anger alone. Opening one of the drawers of his dresser, I dig out a t-shirt and slip it over my head. The black worn cotton swallows me like a tent. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I run my fingers through my hair, working out the tats. Another baby isn’t something I’d want. We have a granddaughter, and I selfishly want him all to myself. I don’t want to share him. I’ve waited too long for this. For him.

The bathroom door opens, and he stands there quietly observing me. “C’mere,” he says finally, and I go to him. His arms wrap around me, and I lay my head to his chest. “Got caught up in the moment. I’m sorry that was taken away from you.”

“It’s okay. I don’t want a baby, James, and not because I don’t love you, but I’m past that part of life. I want us to enjoy it being just us. Maybe that makes me selfish, but we have Mila now. Trust me. East and Wylla are going to be calling on us to babysit.”

“I do like having you all to myself.”

“It has its perks. We don’t have to plan around a baby. We can go and do what we want when we want.”

“I can keep you naked.” His hand slides down to cup my bare ass.

“That too.”

“Get cleaned up and come on to bed.” James releases me, and I move around him to make use of the bathroom. “There’s some new toothbrushes in the top drawer. We’ll shower in the morning,” he says as though I don’t have a choice in the matter, but I decide its best not to argue with him for now.

Making do with what I call a whore’s bath I wash up in the sink then brush my teeth. When I return to my man, he’s kicked back naked on the bed eating the pizza from earlier.

“Need to recharge.” He grins and pizza sauce drips down his chin and onto his chest.

“You need a bib.” I grab a napkin from the stack on the table. “Here.” I hand it to him then crawl into bed.

“We got an appointment tomorrow to look at that property I got my eye on.”

“You’re serious?”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be? Want to get both houses on the market. That’s why you saw me talking to Holy’s sister. She’s in real estate. I’m ready to have this every night.” He reaches over and pinches my tit.

“Ow. Well who said I want this every night?” I wave my hand in his direction motioning to the naked Neanderthal getting pizza everywhere.

“You did.” He drops his pizza onto the nightstand and rolls over top me, planting a sloppy pizza kiss on my lips.

“Oh sick. You still got pizza in your mouth.” I shove against his chest but he only chuckles. “Ugh. If this is what I have to look forward to I’m

so not moving in with you, mister.”

He moves away momentarily to wash down his pizza with the last of his beer. “Hate to break it to you. Not only are you moving in, but you’re gonna marry me, babe.” He threads his fingers with mine as he looms over me once more, pushing my legs apart with his knees.

“You asking or telling me?”

“Definitely telling.” His mouth closes in on mine. “You ready?”

“For what?” My breath hitches in my throat.

“It’s happening. I’m thinking tomorrow while everyone is here.”


“Yeah. Tomorrow works.”

“Hello? Works for what? Am I included in this conversation?”

“Sorry. Was thinking of where I’m getting Roane to ink my brand on you.”

“I’m not getting a tattoo.”

“Yeah you are.”

“No. I’m not.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance