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“Kinda like the sound of that.” I grin.

“I don't know. I can't be seen with an old man. May have to get me a younger model. That Viking guy looks pretty tough.”

I groan. “Don't make me kill one of my best men.”

Alexa smirks and faces the window again. “That would be a shame. He's quite handsome. Big. Strong.”

“You're pushing it.” I get a handful of her ass, giving it a squeeze. “Yeah. Sexiest grandma on the planet.”

“Stop making me feel old.”

“You could be gray headed, wrinkled, and sagging and I'd still want you.”

“Ha. I don't know if I believe that.”

“You'll see. Years from now when I'm an old bastard and you're aging with grace I'll still bend you over and fuck you till you cry.”

Alexa bursts out laughing.

“You think it’s funny?”

“It’s not that. I had a mental image of you with old saggy wrinkled balls and my tits down to my knees trying to get it on and one of us breaking a hip or something.”

I smile and hug her close to my chest. Alexa just told me she sees a future with me in it. I breathe her in, thankful we've got a second chance.

We stay like this watching the scene below. Viking throws a right hook that sends Sandman flying back. He goes down on his ass out cold from the looks of it. A bang sounds at the door. The prospect, Rio, has our food and drinks.

“Leave it on the table. Grudge still at the bar?”

“No. He made a phone call and took off.”

“You know who he called?”

“Heard him say it’s all good. See you soon.”

“Anything else?”


“All right you can get lost. Go join the party out back. You’ve earned a night off.”

“Thanks, Prez.” Rio hurries to leave. Anxious to go find some easy pussy no doubt.

Alexa flips the pizza box open. “Everything okay? You seem troubled.” She grabs a slice and bites, struggling to chew through the string of cheese that’s bringing all the pepperonis with it.

“I'm sure it’s nothing. Just a funny feeling I got. Let's eat.” I knock the caps off our beers using the edge of the table. “A toast. We can't go back and change the past, but we can start anew today.”

“I don't want to change the past. It got us here. Gave us a beautiful daughter

. Perfect grandbaby. We're where we're supposed to be. Together.”

“I’ll drink to that.” I clink my bottle with hers. Then I chug before claiming her mouth. “How is it that every damn time I kiss you it gets better and fucking better.”

“Practice makes perfect.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Yeah.” She pulls me in close and plants a big one on me tasting of pizza sauce.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance