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I’m slathering whip cream onto Wylla Mae’s pie when an arm hooks around my waist. Furry lips brush along my ear. “There you are, pretty girl. You having a good time?”

“Mhmm.” I push his arm away.


“What?” I snap a little harsher than intended.

“Did something happen? Someone say something?”

“Nope,” I pop the P.

I start back toward our daughter when he crooks a finger through the one of my belt loops, jerking me backwards against his chest. I nearly smash the pie against my tits but manage to save it. “Stop acting like that and tell me what’s eating at you.”

“I said I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine damn it. Don’t make me jerks them tight jeans down your thighs and bend you over my knee in front of the club. I’ll spank the truth outta you if I gotta.”

I lick my lips. “You want the truth? I think you’re rushing into this with me. You’ve never been single. Maybe you should be before we try to start up again.” His grip on me loosens.

“That how you really feel?”

No. “Yes.”

“I’ll give you time, but it won’t change the outcome. You’re mine, Lex. Always have been. Always will be.”

I hesitate a beat then stalk toward Wylla Mae. A part of me praying he comes running and the other hoping he stays away. I’m a step away from the picnic table when she cries out. I drop the paper plate and shout for East. James is first to reach us.

“I think my water just broke,” she whispers.

“Get your cage,” James barks at East when he gets close. He takes off running. Everyone clears out of the way so he can drive his truck through the grass. James helps Wylla Mae into the passenger seat, and I hop in the back of the cab. “I’ll be right behind you.” He nods to East then shuts the door without a word to me. Not that I expected any. I’m certain he’s pissed after my act of defiance.

I’m worried that he’ll change his mind. Realize that he’s never been on his own and want to sew all them wild oats he never got a chance at.

East drives to the hospital like a bat out of hell. I called ahead to let them know we were coming. The truck halts in front of the emergency room. A nurse is already waiting with a wheelchair. I go in with Wylla while East finds a parking space. She’s preregistered so the check-in process moves quickly and efficiently.

By the time East and James park we’re in her private room waiting for the doctor. The baby is a few weeks early, but I’m not worried. Her contractions are growing closer together. She’s trying to put on a brave face, but I can see the pain etched in her smile.

“I hear we’re ready to have a baby.” The doctor grins and goes for a pair of gloves. “If you guys will give us a minute, I’ll see how far Mrs. Reed is dilated.”

“Come on, let’s go grab a coffee. East, you want anything?”

“I’m good but thanks.” His attention never leaves Wylla Mae and my heart swells a little bit more for that man. The unconditional love he has for my daughter...I know I never need to worry whether or not he’ll treat her right.

James and I go down the corridor to the waiting area. I fix us both a cup of crappy, complimentary coffee. I hand off his and take up the seat next to him.

He takes a sip then stares intently at me.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Figured out why you were all in a snit back there.”

“I’ve not been in a snit.”

“You saw me talking to Holy’s sister. You were jealous and partly worried I’d want someone else. Since I first saw you in that d

amn red bikini, I’ve not wanted another woman. Have I fucked anyone else? I’m no damn saint and you’ve not been an angel. I know what you deserve, Lex. Baby, I’m gonna be the man who gives it to you. You can tell me all the reasons we’ll never work, but I’m asking you to think about all the reasons we will.”


Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance