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“She sleeps,” I mutter to myself and drop to the floor after nabbing the remote control for the Tv off the nightstand. I flip through the channels and stop on some old slasher film.

“You’re back,” Alexa whispers in my ear, her warm breath fanning along my neck.

“Yup. Didn’t mean to wake you.”

“I wasn’t asleep.”

I take a hard pull off the bottle of Jack and light up a cigarette.

“You okay?”

I laugh at her question. “Nope.”

“Anything I can do?”

“Put a bullet in my head.”

“Don’t say shit like that. It’s not funny.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m an asshole.”

“I don’t think you’re an asshole. You’re one of the best people I know.”

I snort. “Must not get out much then. You should meet new people.”

“Can I have a drink of that?”

I glance up at her as she kneels at the end of the bed staring down at me, her tits practically spilling out of her top but what gets me is the longing in her eyes. “Yeah. Sure. Why not? Have at it.”

Alexa takes the bottle from my hand, her fingers sliding over mine, an electric current passing between us. I move from the floor and go to the bathroom to put my cigarette out. I’m fucking beat. Exhaustion both mental and physical of the past day is wearing on me. I kick off my boots and shrug off my cut then my shirt. I lock the door and take a quick shower hoping it’ll make me feel better, but it doesn’t. After I start to go crawl in bed but remember I’m not alone. I pull my jeans back on and open the door.

Alexa is sitting in the same spot nursing the rest of my bottle of Jack looking beautifully broken. An avenging angel. My personal hell is being here in this room with her. Wanting her and unable to have her.

“Don’t make yourself sick,” I tell her as I flop onto the bed and curl an arm around one of the pillows. I know us being here is a bad idea, but I’m in no shape to drive. I need sleep. I close my eyes and feel her shifting on the bed, her sweet scent moving closer.

“Did something happen?” her liquor stained breath washes over my face. Intoxicating and tempting. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Nothing for you to concern yourself about.”

“You’re upset.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

Her soft lips brush against mine. “It matters to me.”

“Don’t,” I breathe out the word, her lips still touching mine but unmoving. Fuck me. I’m going to hell because there’s never been anything sweeter than her in this moment. How can she be hurting the way that she is and still have it in her to care about a sorry fuck like me? “I don’t deserve your sweetness.”

“Says who?” Those torturous lips move against mine, and I don’t stop it. I should, but I’m tired of doing the right thing and getting kicked in the teeth for it. “Let me take it away. Whatever is eating you. You’ll take my pain, and I’ll take yours, yeah?”

If I were a better man, I’d push her away. I’d drive her straight home and never look back, but I’m not a good man. I’m a fuckin’ bastard, and I’m taking what I want. Why should I deny myself of this one guilty pleasure? Alexa parts her lips, opening to me, and I delve my tongue inside, tasting her passion but most of all her pain. The sweetest and deadliest sin. I stroke my fingers along her jaw and through her hair, getting swept away, consumed by one broken girl who can heal me and destroy me with one kiss.

Pulse pounding in my ears, I roll over top her, taking everything she’s willing to give not caring that I’ve crossed a line neither of us will ever come back from. Threading our fingers together I hold Alexa’s hands over her head, peppering kisses down the slender column of her throat.

“Nothing good will come of this.”

“I don’t need good or love, James. Not tonight. I just want to forget even if it’s only for a little while.”

“Me too,” I rasp, getting lost in the sensation building up inside me and between us, feeling the flames of hell ready to welcome me home because the temptation of her is far too great to resist.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance