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A light knock taps against the bathroom door.

“Lex, you decent?”

“It’s unlocked,” I tell him.

The door opens. “Oh shit. Sorry. Thought to you said it was cool.” He holds a hand over his face.

“It’s fine. No different than a bathing suit, right?” I shrug.

“Guess not. I was just gonna ask what you want to eat.”

“I can’t eat. I can’t even find the energy to step into the shower.”

He moves behind me and fiddles with the water temperature. “You got it hot enough to peel your damn skin off.”

“That’s kind of the point.”

I glance at what he’s doing and see him changing the flow from the shower to the tub and putting the plug in. “C’mon. Get in.”

I nod and start sliding my bra straps down my arms. James stops me. “Leave that on.”

“What for?”

“Because I decided you don’t need to be alone right now, sweetheart. Let me take care of you.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to.”

I slide down into the tub. The warm water covers my legs, and I lay my head back on the tiles. James unwraps the complimentary soap and a washcloth. He wets both then lathers the soap on the cloth. Touching me light as a feather he takes his time washing my sins away, but I’ll never be fully clean.

I’ll never be free of the memories that haunt me.

“You can’t see it now, but you’re gonna be okay.”

“I’m not your sister.”

“I know that, Lex. There’s nothing brotherly about the way I feel about you.”

“What, you see me like Rochelle?”

“Cut the shit out. We both know what’s growing between us even if it can never happen.”

“James.” I grab his arm.

“What?” he drops the washcloth and pulls away.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.”

He leaves me alone with so many thoughts swirling in my head. I’m trying to push away the bad and hold on to the hope he just gave me.

“We both know what’s growing between us.” Yeah, I do. He doesn’t see me as dirty. He wants me still even after...

Faith in him blooms in my chest. I sink down into the water and wet my hair.

Chapter Seven

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance