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I pull up outside of the

back of the bakery to take Tina to dinner. This is new territory for me. I never ask women out on dates. Shit I don’t think I’ve gone on a date since high school and even then, it was nothing special. I’ve never had to work to get a woman to like me before, but I think Tina is different. She challenges me. I get off my bike and walk up the stairs. When I raise my fist to knock Tina opens the door looking gorgeous. Her hair is pinned away from her face. The black top she is wearing dips into a deep V that hints at her cleavage. My gaze travels south to her dark skinny jeans that hug her hips and I find myself wanting to see her from the back because damn if this woman doesn’t have a sweet ass.

“Damn, Sweet Ass, you make think about shoving you back through that door and having you for my next meal.” Tina blushes and her lips curve into a smile.

“Maybe I’ll let you.”

My dick strains against my zipper. Damn her and that sassy mouth. I want to fill it with my cock. I find myself rubbing my finger along the bow shape of her top lip. Her gaze meets mine curiosity radiating from her. “You ready to go?”

“Yeah,” her voice comes out in a light airy tone. “Just let me lock up.”

“You can put your purse in my saddlebag.”

“Okay. Thanks,” she murmurs and locks the door behind her. I take her hand in mine and lead her down the steps. Her touch is soft and warm, and I can’t help but wonder how soft, warm, wet, and tight she’ll be when I bury myself inside her for the first time.

I give her my helmet. I’m going to take her to pick one out of her own if tonight goes as well as I hope. I get this feeling that I’m going to have her on the back of my bike often. The thought makes me smile. We ride to the Dairy Bar. It’s nothing fancy but the food is good, and we can grab it to go. I wanna take her out to my favorite spot so we can talk without distractions or expectations.

“It’s no steakhouse but the food is just as good.”

“No, this is perfect. I love a good burger with fries and a milkshake.”

“To dip your fries in?”


“Me too. Let’s order. There’s somewhere else I want to take you.”

Tina orders a strawberry milkshake but I’m a chocolate man myself. We don’t have far to go so our drinks should keep in the bag if they don’t spill out.

“Tina,” a male voice shouts and we both turn in the direction the sound comes from. Some pencil pushing looking dork comes jogging toward us. Immediately I snake my arm around her waist and pull her into me feeling territorial.

“Shit,” she hisses.

“That the ex?”

“Yeah. I’m sorry. Can you give us a minute so I can tell him to get lost?”

“No need. I’ll handle this little fucker.”

Tina looks unsure but gives me a slight nod.

He stops short when he sees the way I’m digging my fingers into her hips and snarling at him. “You the asshole answering my girlfriend’s phone?”

“Buddy, she doesn’t look like yours to me. Seems to me from where I’m standing, she’s here with me. Do yourself a favor and stop calling her.”

“Are you gonna make me?”

Wrong move fucker. I know he wants me to threaten him. Thinks it will make me look bad to Tina. Instead I grin and hug Tina tighter. “Just hate to see you waste your time. Unlike you, I know what I’ve got in front of me, and I damn sure show her how much I want her. If Tina wants to take your calls that’s cool, but we both know she has nothing to say to you.”

“Tina. We’re supposed to get married. You don’t want to be with this biker trash. Just come home. We can compromise. I love you.”

I roll my eyes and Tina shakes her head. “Just go home, Matt. I already said everything I need to. I’m not coming back. I’m not going to marry you and Vegas might be a biker, but he is the furthest thing from being trash. Unlike you he knows how to treat the woman he’s with.”

Our ticket is called, and we turn our backs on him to get our food. When we’re through the weasel is gone.

“I’m sorry about that. I figured he’d be happy I called off our engagement. It’s embarrassing, but we lived like roommates, and he acted like I was bad for wanting to be intimate with him.”

“That’s fucked. I don’t make promises I don’t intend to keep, but I promise you that if you were my girl, you’d never feel like no damned friend. I’d treat you like a fucking queen.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard BRRMC Roadhouse Tales Erotic