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“Just a feeling.” His strong arms circle around me and I feel safe in his hold. “I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay the night and every night after that.”

My breath catches in my throat. “Are you crazy? We said slow. That is the opposite of slow. That’s full throttle.”

“I lied. I don’t want slow. I know what I want. And that’s you in my bed under me every night and your mouth on my cock every morning.”

“Sawyer…I don’t know what to say.”

“My devil dick says you’ll stay.” He grins and I laugh.

Then he kisses me hard, long, and deep full of such promise I can’t deny him.

I am addicted to him and his devil dick.



I get Thea from the car and lead her down the gravel path. She’s dressed in her favorite dress. It’s yellow with pink roses embroidered on it. Her hair is in two pigtails that curl up at the ends. She smiles up at me as she carries the flowers she brought for Marissa. I wish I could say she had a better ending to her story but not even a month after she arrived in Texas, she broke out of the rehab facility Grim sent her to and was found a week later in a stolen car dead from an overdose.

I wish for Thea’s sake I would have paid more attention and noticed the downward spiral her mom was on, but I didn’t. Maybe I didn’t want to see it. I will never know. Everyone says I shouldn’t blame myself and for the most part I don’t but on days like today I feel guilty. I feel sad for my daughter that she can’t take flowers to her real mom on Mother’s Day in person. Instead she gets to bring them to a grave.

It has been two years, but it never gets easier bringing her to the cemetery. She is starting to forget Marissa. I try to tell her about her mom and show her pictures, but I can tell that today isn’t important to her. I think I bring her more out of my own peace of mind. She takes the flowers and places them on the headstone.

“Flowers for you, Rissa.” She looks back at me pleased with herself and starts chasing after a butterfly.

I smile and watch her run and try her best to capture the yellow wings between her hands as they flutter through the air.

I place my hand on top of the headstone. “I’m sorry I didn’t try harder for you. But I hope you know that I am taking care of Thea and she has a great mother in her life who treats her as her own.” I look up at the sky and hope wherever Marissa is that she can forgive me and herself.

That butterfly Thea was chasing lands on my finger, and I tell myself it is just a coincidence, but a calm feeling settles over me that I can’t explain. I smile and the butterfly flies off and lands on Thea’s nose. She giggles and swats at it until it takes off. “You ready to go, princess. Mommy and your brother are waiting for us.”

Thea nods and runs back to me, taking my hand once more.

We make it back home where Camreigh and Cameron are waiting for us. My chubby cheeked boy stretches his arms out to me from his mother’s lap. I kiss her cheek as I take him in my arms. “Happy Mother’s Day, baby doll.”

“I have something for you.” She smiles at me.

“Today is supposed to be about you,” I remind her.

“Read his shirt,” she tells me.

Confusion washes over me, but I look down at Cameron’s shirt and it reads: I’m going to be a big brother.

“Are you for real?” After Cameron was born Camreigh’s doctor said it would be a miracle if we had another child. He was still shocked we conceived at all. She had a miscarriage last year that was hard on us both and we agreed to stop trying because I didn’t want to put her through that loss again, but here we are.

My beautiful wife beams at me and rubs her belly. “I’m four months.”

“God, I love you.”

“I love you, Sawyer.”

Two years ago when I met a feisty thing who walked into the wrong place at the right time, I never expected to find love, but I’m not the first or the last to find the woman of his dreams at the Roadhouse.

Love Loyalty, & Mayhem

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