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“Marissa is over at the Roadhouse. Thought you should know.”

“Appreciate it, old man.

” Guess she isn’t going to take the offer of rehab that was given to her.

“Who ye calling old?” he grins. “Rebel says she been liking the needle. Don’t have to tell ye we don’t want the shit around here. She’s tweaking. Thinking of sending her down to Texas on the next run. That gonna sit well with you?”

I don’t hate Marissa, but she knows how things are ran here. I look over at Thea who is oblivious to the fact that her mother would rather stick a needle in her arm than be a mother. She’s grinning and giggling using a butter knife to spread the garlic salt and butter over the bread. I don’t want whatever is plaguing her mother to ever touch her.

“Yeah. Do what you need to.”

Grim nods at me and winks at Thea. “See you girls later.” She giggles at him calling us all girls.

“Why don’t you go put some napkins and forks on the table,” I tell my princess so I can tell Vegas what Grim said about Marissa.

Thea gets down from the chair she was standing in without help, and I hand her the forks and napkins. She loves to do anything that makes her feel like a big girl. I wait until she goes to the other room before speaking.

“Marissa is over at the Roadhouse. Bitch is tweaking again. Her ass is gone.”

“Good fuckin’ riddance. I respect that she gave you Thea but you shoulda put a stop to her being around long time ago. I know you didn’t want to see it, but cunt has been in a bad way for a while. I tried talking to her. Even threatened a few dealers but when someone is hooked there is no stopping them. I know that and you know that. It was only a matter of time before she spiraled and hit bottom. This is it. Her do or die time. Whether or not she fails or flies is on her, not you.”

I know what he says is true, but I still feel guilt for Marissa because she is the mother of my child. For now, until she decides to get her life straight, she has to be dead to Thea and me. There is no place for her with us.

I finish up the sauce and put the bread in the oven. Vegas starts putting food on the table, and I wait for Canreigh to show. I hear the crunch of her tires on the gravel out front. Vegas is peeking out the damn blinds in the living room to see what her friend looks like. I walk out onto the front porch to greet her. Dressed in a mint green sundress that shows off her curves, my eyes go to her stomach. It looks almost perfectly round. I shake my head and tell myself that I am seeing shit. It’s just the shape of her dress.

“You came.” I pull her into me and give her hip a squeeze before pecking her lips with mine. She seems surprised but kisses me back.

“I don’t know if you remember Tina, but this is my best friend and Tina this is Sawyer.”

“Hey.” Her friend gives me a small wave and steps onto the porch.

“Hope you brought your appetite. Come on in.”

They follow me inside and Vegas and Thea are sitting on the couch pretending they weren’t just staring out the window.

“Hi, Thea. Remember me from the bakery?” Camreigh hands Thea a teddy bear shaped cookie wrapped in plastic.

Thea nods and grins at her. “Tanx you.”

I feel awkward as hell and like everyone is staring at me.

I clear my throat and introduce Tina to Vegas. I can tell the fucker is taken by her. Tina is short like Camreigh. Her chest isn’t big, but she has a sweet ass.

Chapter 9


I was nervous the whole drive to Sawyer’s place. I thought having Tina with me would keep me from being freaked out. I am still not sure how to feel about this whole thing. I went from having a one-night stand with the guy to having him show up to help me move into my apartment to him inviting me to have dinner with him and his daughter. The five of us are sitting at the table, and I have to say that Thea, his daughter, is adorable.

“Did you cook this or order takeout?”

“I’ll have you know my man here slaved over the stove for you and even had me chopping the veggies for the salad,” Vegas says, shooting me a wink.

“I’m impressed,” I muse, taking another bite. Spaghetti is an easy meal, but he did good. I’m very particular about sauce. I don’t like anything too sweet or chunky. My only hope is that it doesn’t cause me heartburn. I feel as though I can look at water and it develops. Vegas and Tina seem to be hitting it off better than I could have hoped. My bestie needs her a good time. Maybe not as good a time as I had with Sawyer, but still, she deserves a man to show her what it is to be desired. What it is to be touched by a real man who wants to give her nothing but pleasure.

Maybe Matt does love her but their whole relationships seemed so one sided. Not that I am the authority on relationships. I obviously don’t know anything about them. I can’t even bring myself to tell Sawyer that I am carrying his baby.

Watching how gentle he is with his daughter…seeing firsthand that he is a great father is reassuring. He is going to find out eventually with us living in the same town and I know the man needs to hear the truth from me. I just don’t know how to say, “Oh hey, by the way I’m pregnant. You’re the father even though I told you when we slept together the first time that pregnancy wasn’t a concern for me. Surprise!” I don’t see that going over well even if he is a great dad to Thea. It doesn’t mean the man wants another kid by some chick he hardly knows. Namely me.

Tags: Glenna Maynard BRRMC Roadhouse Tales Erotic