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I try calling Becks and it goes to voicemail, of course. I start texting him.

Me: What did you say to Penny? She is calling me names and telling me she hates me.

Becks: She told me what you did. You slept with Aaron. Guess I wasn’t cool enough for you. I saw Mr. Miller leaving your house early this morning. You are a liar and whore Katie. I can’t believe I ever thought I was in love with you.

Me: Becks, please, you are one of my best friends. I didn’t do anything with Mr. Miller. I love you but not in that way, please don’t shut me out. Don’t be this guy Becks, it isn’t you. Aaron was a stupid mistake the summer before ninth grade. I would never do that to Penny.

Becks: Delete my number, Katie, and by the way, I won’t be waiting for you in the morning.

The tears don’t stop streaming down my face as I wail into my pillow, my pain staining the blue case. I don’t even bother to look up when my mom comes in to see what I am crying about. She picks up the letter from my bed. I watch as her eyes scan the note, her eyes growing darker.

“What happened last night, Katie? What did Jason do, why is he sorry? Did he touch you?”

“He tried to kiss me. Apparently, everyone thinks I am just like my whore mother,” I shout in her face.

Her hand whips back and strikes my cheek, sending my head backwards, giving me the feeling of whiplash. My cheek is stinging. I grab the money and my phone, shoving them in my bag.

“Where are you going, Katie? He pays good money. You should have taken him up on his offer.” I run toward the front door away from her. She is crazy. “Don’t you walk away from me. This conversation isn’t finished,” she shouts out the door as I run down the sidewalk. As I go to turn the damn corner, I go sliding and fall, busting my ass on the patch of ice.

“Fuck,” I shout at the sky and pound my fist into the sidewalk.

“What did that sidewalk ever do to you?” I look up to see Raven trying to hold back a laugh.

“What are you doing?”

“I am on my way to The Grind. My shift starts in a few. Walk with me, and I will get you a latte, my treat.” She extends her hand and helps me up. Only thing bruised is my ego. “Rough day?”

“You have no idea.” I fall in beside her and walk with her to work.

“Katie, if anyone knows what it is like for people to spread rumors about you that aren’t true, it’s me. I heard about Aaron and how you are having an affair with an older man.” She rolls her eyes. “I don’t believe any of that ya know.”

“Thank you.”

“For what?” She looks at me quizzically.

“For being nice to me.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” She says as she opens the door to the coffee shop.

“I don’t know…you said that Kai has a thing for me, but you guys have like a thing, right?”

“Kai and me are complicated Katie, but he is free to date anyone he wants, including you.”

I don’t get to say anything more as she goes into the back and clocks in. A few minutes later, she brings over a latte for me. I smile and thank her, feeling forever grateful. Today has been pure crap.

The door dings and Kai walks in, looking mysterious and broody. When he sees me he stiffens. Great, even my annoying face licker thinks I am a whore. Khloe is holding his hand tightly, dressed in tights, a red tutu, and a long-sleeved heart shirt. Raven comes from behind the counter handing Khloe a cookie.

“Khloe-bug, I am so glad you came to see me today,” she cries and Khloe giggles as she crams her cookie in her mouth.

Kai scratches the back of his neck, something I notice he does often. Khloe starts running around the shop barking and laughing. Kai and Raven are whispering, and my ears grow hot. I suspect they are talking about me, but I can’t be sure.

Khloe sees me, and I wave at her, unsure if she remembers me from the other day. She comes right over, stretching her arms up to me and says, “Khloe sit.”

I pick her up and allow her to sit in my lap for a minute. She starts twirling her fingers around in my hair. “Khloe make you pretty?”

“Okay, make me pretty.” I smile.

She starts twisting strands of my hair into knots that I am not sure I will ever get out unless I cut them.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Romance