Page 29 of Sacking The Player

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“Shit,” Tate mutters on the line.

“Uh, dang, maybe I should have just said no?” I flop back on my bed and resist the urge to eat some pretzels. I don’t want to crunch them in his ear.

“He’ll get over it eventually, seems like he really likes your girl though.”

“Yeah, then he shouldn’t have had her fall in love with him and then broken her heart by being a liar. That ass,” I snap at Tate.

“Whoa, no need to get snappy with me, I’m the middleman here.”

“Sorry, you’re right. Should I let you go so you can go calm the giant down?” I can hear muffled banging over the line.

“Fuck, yeah. Sorry, Amaya. I’ll catch you in class tomorrow, okay? Talk later, Twinkle Toes.” He ends the call.

Him and that stupid nickname.


“Come on, Amaya! We’re going to be late for classes,” I hear Courtney shout.

“I’m fucking up, you whore. God,” I whine, not lying. All I need to do is pack my dance bag and I’m set for the day. But oh no, Courtney has to drive me batty. I need more sleep. I stayed up too late talking to Tate. I hope he was able to wake up easily. I know he has a packed day like I do ahead.

One thing I’ve noticed over the last week is that everyone is sucking up to me. People are even giving me free food in the dining areas, and it’s weird. I’ve had three different girls come up to me trying to invite me to their parties. And I know why this is happening.

It’s all because of Tate. This is what I didn’t want to happen. Why do people treat you differently when you are seen with a big shot? Ugh.

One thing I noticed that doesn’t happen is girls coming up to me being a bitch. Instead, it’s the opposite. Like they are envious or something. When I was with Keith, the only times we were in public together is when he would take me home with him. I had tons of girls glaring at me and being catty bitches.

Another surprise was that Beth seems to want to hang out with Courtney and me. Courtney thought it was strange, but I didn’t say anything. Tate and I aren’t together, even if people think we are. Whatever.

I have anatomy this morning. I hate it but there is no getting around it. I do well with the hands-on stuff, but the boring lectures make my ears bleed. Professor Hansledorf sucks but his TA is amazing the days she takes over. She makes class fun and engaging. She’s one of those people that you want to listen to. Sadly, she isn’t in today, and I must listen to Hans, it’s what we call him for short, drone on and on about cartilage and bone density. My eyes are crossing by the end of his lecture. After this class I have English class.

Stepping out of the building, I make my way to the dance studio. I’m starting to re-think my course load. Yes, I want my fall back in sports medicine, but don’t I really need to take English and history, I only took them to be in the same classes with Courtney, but it’s just too much. I know she will understand if I drop them.

If I lose those two that would just leave my requirements for sports medicine, and then I’d have more time with my dancing. I am already late for class with Madam Webber. She’s going to be pissed, she hates tardy people and if I want to keep my role in the recital coming up at the end of November, I need to make a better effort. After rehearsal, I’m going to talk to my advisor.

Chapter 15



haven’t seen Amaya in a few days, not since we forced her to share her table at the restaurant, and it bothers me. But there she is just up ahead of me going into the school office. I go quickly, following behind her.

“Amaya!” I shout, wanting her attention.

She turns around. “Hey, we don’t meet for another two hours.”

I fucking hate that she’s constantly trying to draw a line of when and where we can hang out. It pisses me off. I roll my eyes at her. “Yeah, so.” I shrug. “I saw you, thought I’d come say hi, and see what you were up to.”

“I’m fine, just need to drop a few classes that I really don’t need.”

“Oh, what classes?” I ask, truly interested. Praying she’s not dropping from the class we share together, because tomorrow first thing, I’m showing up early and making sure she sits next to me. For the last week, anytime I tried to get people to move so we could sit next to each other, they refused. My fault, since I was late for class each time and got stuck sitting at the back, far away from Amaya.

“Just History and English. Not really sure why I bothered with them since they have nothing to do with my future.”

“Hey, you want to grab a quick bite to eat before you teach me the awesomeness of dance?” I grin at her.

She shakes her head with a slight laugh. “Sorry there, King, no eating before class. Water only.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Romance