Page 24 of Sacking The Player

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“Seriously?” I ask affronted. I know I promised I wouldn’t take her food, but come on, she can spare a fry until my food comes, can’t she?

“For real, dude. Nobody gets between me and my food.” She takes the fry I dropped and waves it in front of my face. She sticks half of it in her mouth moaning. She doesn’t know what to do when I lean forward and take a bite almost touching my mouth to hers.

“Well goddamn. That was kinda sexy in a food porn kinda way,” Tex shouts.

Amaya looks down at her food. Her lips are quirked into a half grin. She likes me but doesn’t want to show it.

“Want me to do it again,” I tease, but I’m not kidding. I’m serious.

“You’re trouble,” she observes shoving another fry in her mouth, totally smiling.

She has it wrong, all wrong. She’s the one who is trouble. I could just sit here and watch her eat and be happy, because we’re sitting here together. I’m a goner and there’s no coming back. I want to go all in for this chick.

Chapter 12



almost say yes, but I stop myself. His friends all decided to ditch their booth and share mine. Of course, there was some bickering once his friend Adams sat next to me. He’s easy on the eyes but totally not my type. He has blond wavy hair, a nice golden tan, and hazy brown eyes. He looks like a surfer dude. Tate made him switch places. His friend Bucky had to pull up a chair at the end of the table. He’s all skinny. I probably weigh more than he does. His hair is kinda like Tate’s but has streaks of gold from being in the sun.

Tate gripes and says no one gets to sit by me but him. Whatever. He’s lost it. I’m not his property.

When he puts his arm along the back of the booth, his hand grazing my shoulder I glare at him. “You know…I was enjoying my alone time.”

Tate shrugs. “Yeah, but now I’m here, nothing’s better than spending time with me.” He gives a cheeky smile. God he’s incorrigible. The guy doesn’t know when to quit.

“How do you fit your ego in your tiny head?” I ask him seriously. “I mean, wow,” I goad him, waiting for one of his lines. I bet he has plenty he throws out to all of his admirers daily.

The guys laugh.

“I like her. You didn’t claim her did ya? Because I want to. No wonder why Keith is being such a dickless asshole lately,” Big Tex comments. He’s a big ol’ boy. Looks like he never skips a meal. He isn’t fat though. Just thick. His arms are huge, like he probably crushes beer cans with his biceps. His hair is shaved short with a side fade. I snicker to myself seeing he has zigzags shaved around the sides. It doesn’t suit him entirely but somehow he pulls it off.

“You shall be my new best friend.” I smile pointing at him with a fry. “Anyone that calls Keith a dickless asshole deserves that title. Just don’t tell Courtney,” I mock whisper as Courtney comes over to chat.

“Don’t tell me what?” She pushes Big Tex slightly so she can sit down. “Move.”

He looks at her in surprise and he scoots over still staring at her. Oh, maybe I can play match maker. But wait, why isn’t Courtney going gaga over him? She’s always had a thing for sexy football players.

“I was just appointed her new best friend,” Big Tex says proudly.

Courtney snorts. “Bitch, please.” She looks at me. “Trust me, you don’t want him as a best friend, you’ll probably catch his slut disease.”

“Uh, did I miss something? Do you two know each other?” Courtney tells me everything and I have a feeling she didn’t tell me something.

“No,” Courtney says, glaring up at Big Tex.

Adams interrupts. “Yes. They were seeing each other over the summer, but Big Tex here forgot to mention that he’s engaged. Something his parents set up,” he offers the information as if it’s not a big deal.

“Wait what?” How did I not know this? I know we spent most of the summer apart this year, but I didn’t think she had met someone.

“Don’t worry about it, Am. I didn’t tell you because it wasn’t worth mentioning.”

Big Tex’s jaw ticks and he looks angry. “If you would have just let me explain.”

She cuts him off. “No need. Trust me. I’m over it, and you. I have better things to do now.” She slides out of the booth. “Breaks over, I’ll see you later, Am. Don’t wait up for me though, I have a date tonight.” She walks away giving me a wink and Big Tex looks like he’s itching to get up and go after her.

“Did you know about that?” I ask Tate.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Romance