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“Before we left when I was talking to Hades he told me that Cocky wants you. He asked permission to claim you.”

I shoot up. “Permission to what? Claim me!” I shake my head. “I’m no man’s property. I belong to myself.”

“What if you don’t have a choice?” His fingers move through my hair. “What if keeping you safe means you staying in Webb Hollow under Devils Rejects’ protection? Who’s your man, me or Cocky?”

“Is that what this is? You bring me out here to make me fall for you, so what, so I’ll choose you?” I shove him away. “A pissing contest between the two of you? Who’s got the bigger dick?”

“I’ve got the biggest cock. No doubt about that, sweet ass. But no, it isn’t about that. Would being with me be so bad?”

“Quinn, we don’t even know each other. Not really. My life is back in Drag Creek.”

“Look at me,” he commands and mechanically, I respond to his voice. “You got somebody waiting back home for you?”

“Axel and Able,” I say without explanation.

“They twins or some shit?” I can see jealousy in his gaze. It’s wrong to toy with him, but I can’t help it. There is a fire burning in his eyes for me, but I don’t want to get burned.

“Brothers, but not twins.” I smirk. His smile falters and I feel bad. “My brothers,” I clarify.

“Brat,” he huffs. “Forget I mentioned it. Your family is probably beating the fuck out of your stalker right now. Come tomorrow, you’ll probably be on your way home.”

When he says I’ll be leaving him tomorrow I get a sinking feeling in my gut. I don’t want to be claimed by a biker, but I don’t know that I am ready to leave Quinn so soon. We just met, but being here w

ith him, despite the whole skunk thing is fun. He makes me smile even though I want to smack him half the time.

“I didn’t mean for it to sound like being with you would be bad, but I’ve dated a biker before. It didn’t end so well.”

“You know what the problem with your statement is don’t you?”

“What’s that?” I gaze into his eyes seeing sincerity.

“He wasn’t me. I don’t want to own you. I want to kiss you whenever I want wherever I want.” His lips brush along my shoulder.

“You want to kiss me again?”

“I want to kiss your skunk smelling bratty ass every day.”

“Then what are you waiting for? Permission?” I sass, pushing for him to tell me more. Perhaps he is attempting to get me to fuck him or maybe he really likes me. Either way, I intend to find out despite my reservations. Despite how fast and crazy things are happening.

“I don’t need permission, simply waiting for you to recognize that what I’m feeling for you…though fast. You’re feeling it too. I am done fighting this attraction—this pull to have you.”

“This is crazy, Quinn.”

“But it’s right,” he whispers into my mouth as he crushes his lips into mine.

Quinn’s lips kiss me stupid as his hands move me to his lap so that I am straddling him.

I don’t want soft and slow. Tonight could be our one and only chance.

Tugging on his shirt, I eagerly pull it over his head and discard it to the side. Roaming my fingers along his smooth chest, I explore his torso, feeling the contours of his muscles. His lips pepper down my neck, biting and sucking at my collarbone.

“You trying to give me a hickey?’

“Just marking my territory,” he says in a husky tone.

His voice combined with his possessive touch has warmth pooling between my thighs.

“You’ll be a hot sticky mess by the time I am through with you.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Devils Rejects MC Dark