Page 13 of Mr. Sinister

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"What about her?"

"She...didn't die. Right?"

"No." Mr. Sinister's voice is dry. "She did not."

My body nearly sags with relief. "Thank—-"

"But of course, that does not mean I haven't killed anyone."


I want to cry, but I'm also just the slightest bit tempted to stomp my feet like a child. "You're just saying that to scare me."

"Indeed," my kidnapper confirms without shame, "but it doesn't make my words any less true."

"And now that we have my life-snuffing past established, are we still in agreement?"—-I can't!

"You scare me so much," I blurt out.

"I know."

"Have you ever killed anyone innocent?" When I see him seem to hesitate, I don't even think twice about begging. "Please don't lie."

"Then the answer to that would have to"


"May we continue now?"

I look at him uncertainly. "You still mean it, right? That I'll...enjoy it if I just let myself?"

"Of course, my dove. You'll still enjoy it," my kidnapper promises, "but first..."

I should have known there'd be a catch.

"The punishment I have in mind," Mr. Sinister says softly, "requires you to be restrained."

Vanilla, I remind myself desperately. All of this is just vanilla...oh God, I can't even remember what's next, and all I can do is look at him pleadingly. "What if I promise not to escape?"

"I'd believe you," he says right away, "but it wouldn't change a thing."

Oh God.

My heart begs me to run and hide, but my body remains disconnected, and all I'm able to do is watch him as he gently takes hold of my arms.

It's over in seconds, with my arms stretched parallel along the back of the sofa, and my wrists locked in place by manacles. Not just ordinary ones either, but custom-designed, built-in manacles, and the sight of it makes me feel dizzy.

Vanilla. With. Chocolate. Coated. Chili.

Mr. Sinister is just like that unforgettable flavor of ice cream, and if I keep thinking of him that way, the more likely I'll survive this.

So eyes on the ice cream, Sara.

Just keep thinking of the ice cream.

He leaves my side for a moment, and when he comes back he parks a chair in front of me before taking a seat. "Do the restraints still bother you?"

Why does he keep asking questions I find impossible to answer honestly?


C'mon, Sara, just say anything!

My gaze strays uneasily to my manacles, and I hear myself ask, "They're not from Walmart, are they?"

Lame, lame, lame, but whatevs!

"Because I find them, um, very fancy," I add in a rush. "It's like you've ordered the luxury lineup..." Oh God, I think I'm babbling, that...

"You're smiling," I exclaim in shock.

The smile disappears, and I'm about to tell him that he can't make me un-see what I saw, Mr. Sinister shakes his head, saying, "I'll have to punish you for that, too."

"W-What?" I stammer and sputter in shock, and it's only when I hear my manacles rattle that I belatedly remember I'm restrained and unable to escape. "I don't understand. What did I—-"

"Every time you make me fucking smile, I'll punish you."

The words are so silly that at first it makes me laugh because I think he's joking.

But then he only looks at me—-

"You're serious?"

His response is a blur of movement, and the next thing I know the distance between us is gone, and his breath is fanning my ear as he says roughly, "Yes, my dove. I'm very serious, and that's why your first punishment shall begin now."

I don't even have a chance to answer, with his mouth immediately covering mine as his hands frame my face.

His lips are firm and soft at the same time, his kiss so masterful that it immediately sweeps me off my feet. We kiss and kiss and kiss, and when I feel the increasing pressure of his mouth, my lips simply part on their own——


His tongue enters my mouth with one smooth, bold stroke, and the feel of having my mouth penetrated in such a way is so agonizingly and scorchingly carnal that it completely incinerates what little sense I have left.

His kiss consumes and enslaves me, and my heart begins to beat hard and fast, thud-thud-thudding in rhythm with the deep, forceful strokes of his tongue. I never knew...I never imagined...just never thought it was possible for a kiss to be this beautiful and addictive. I want it to go on forever—-

But it doesn't.

One moment, we're kissing, and another moment he just...stops.

Mr. Sinister lifts his head to cut our kiss short, and the aching emptiness that instantly wells up inside of me makes my head reel. I want us to kiss again so badly, so, so badly that I don't even realize I'm already straining against my manacles until I hear its telltale rattle.

Oh my God.

The mortifying sound brings me back to my senses, and if my limbs were free, I'd have curled up in a ball to hide myself.

Tags: Marian Tee Romance