Page 24 of Brutal Scoundrel

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The best laid plans.

“You did all this for me?”

“Well, I’m not the world’s greatest cook. I had help. But yes, it’s for you. Happy three day anniversary?”

Safi snorts a laugh and her hands tighten at the back of my neck as she pulls herself in close, pressing her lips to mine in a sweet kiss. “It’s perfect.” Her lips twist as her brows draw together. “But I don’t think it’s going to be edible anymore.”

“No. How hungry are you?”

At the word hungry, I hear her stomach groan, but she shakes her head. “I don’t need anything. I have to watch my figure.”

Not on my watch, you fucking don’t.

I grab her chin between my thumb and forefinger, making sure she sees how serious I am when I say the words, “None of that nonsense with me, sweet treat. You’re perfect. Your figure is perfect.”


“No buts. You’re perfect just the way you are and if you ever did put on weight I’d love you just as much. Don’t ever let anyone tell you any different. I’m a big guy, I can handle a properly-proportioned woman. Now, judging by the way your stomach groaned, I’m guessing you’re actually famished. Right?”

She nods, her mouth wide, then laughs as she glances at the table. “Actually, I could eat all this right now. Cold or not.”

“Good. But this is ruined. What’s your favorite takeout?”

“Chinese. But we can just have salad, there’s—”

“Chinese it is. Go sit down and I’ll place an order.”



The thumping sound reminds me of the headboard knocking against the wall last night. The grin spreads over my face as I remember it, coming slowly out of the sweetest of dreams, about Roman, about us, about a life we might have together.


Could we have children together? Does Roman even want that? I do. I’ve never thought about it before but now that I’m with him I know he would make the most wonderful father.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

He was such a study in contrasts last night. Railing me like an animal in heat one minute, making me wonder if the bed might crack beneath our attempts at amateur gymnastics. Then the next minute, attentively feeding me Chinese food, giving me water, bathing and soothing me.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

What is that noise?

I drag myself the rest of the way out of sleep, opening my eyes to see him lying beside me. My Roman gladiator. Even in sleep he looks dangerous. But where others might see the ugliness of war, all I see is beauty. The scar cutting through his lip is silver in the dim morning light through the French doors that lead out onto the decking area. Silver like an angel’s kiss. The thought makes me sigh and I lean over to place my lips against his, hearing him murmur, his arm instinctively wrapping around my middle, pulling me close.

But if he’s here, that noise must be someone else, right?

I glance around, hearing the thump come harder this time. The front door. Someone is desperate to get inside, desperate enough to—

The crack and creak of wood splintering makes me jump back, a squeal of fear escaping my lips. A second later, as I drag the sheet up around my neck, I hear footsteps storming down the corridor toward the bedroom. Roman’s eyes shoot open and he sits up, putting himself in my way just before the bedroom door flies open and a large man with dark eyes walks in as if he owns the place.

“What the…” A growl rumbles through Roman’s chest as I pull the sheet up further, covering my bare breasts from the intruder and…another man, coming in behind him. One I recognize. How could I possibly forget the guy who tried to force himself on me just a couple of days ago? “Dad? How dare you just storm in…get the fuck out!”


This is Roman’s father? What did he say his name was? Apollo? This is the man whose friends I was serving at dinner the other night?

He grins, glancing my way with a lascivious look. “So it’s true. You have been moving hookers into the guesthouse. Finally discovered you’re a man, huh?”

Jack, the man who caught me in Roman’s office, tries to hide the satisfied smirk as he glances my way, crossing his arms over his chest.

Roman growls. “Get the fuck out. Both of you.”

“Roman, what’s going on?” I ask, grasping his arm for strength.

“Nothing, baby. They’re leaving.”

“Son, get rid of the whore and let’s talk.”

Roman’s reaction makes me jump. In an instant, he’s out of the bed, totally naked and still hard for me, I see. But he doesn’t seem to care. The look of fury on his face could melt stone as he flies across the room, arm raised, and punches his father square in the face.

The force of the impact is like a nuclear explosion. I hear myself yelp as I feel it from across the room. Apollo crumples instantly, stumbling sideways and falling to one knee as the world falls silent.

Tags: Aria Cole, River West Romance