Page 21 of Brutal Scoundrel

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Her eyes widen, her mouth falling open just a fraction. “Really?”

“Yes, baby, really. No secrets between us, right?”

“No secrets. It’s just, I assumed…”

“I know. But you’re the only one. Now and forever, it’s you and me, Safi.”

With that, I lower myself down her body, kissing her nipples through the fabric of her bikini top, then kissing her stomach, her belly button, the indent beneath her belly where it meets her pelvis. So smooth, so perfect. Lowering the bikini bottoms, I kiss the delta of hair there, then move to position myself between her legs. “I’m going to get you so wet, baby, but I can’t promise it won’t hurt when I go in here.” When I press a finger into her hole she cries out, pelvis shifting against the intrusion. “You’ve seen how big I am, I’m afraid that’s an all over thing. It’s just the way nature made me.”

“I know. I know it will hurt. I still want it.”

A grin twists one side of my mouth. She’s so much stronger than she looks. “Even if it hurts this time, it won’t hurt forever. We’ll learn together, we’ll teach each other. Sound good?”

“Yes. Please…” She arches her back, bringing her pussy up to my face. I can smell the salty sweetness of her as I lean forward, running my tongue through her warm groove. “Delicious, baby. You made this all for me and I’m going to enjoy it.” She moans as my tongue presses harder into her cunt, as I wrap my lips around the length of her slit, kissing, massaging, sucking. She begins to undulate as I take handfuls of her generous ass, pulling her higher and harder onto my mouth. The flavor of her spreads over my tongue and I pull away, kissing lightly on her thighs, her pussy lips, reveling in the sight of her cum trickling down from her hole.

“Roman, please… put something inside me. I need it. I need you.”

“Such a greedy little girl.” I grin as I press my tongue to her lips, putting pressure on her asshole with my thumb, fingers entering her warm virgin pussy. “So tight and fresh. This cunt is going to damn near shear my cock right off, isn’t it?”

She laughs, a high-pitched desperation of sound. “Why don’t you try it and find out?”

“You think you’re ready?”

“I think I’ve been ready for you for days. I would have let you take me that first night if you’d asked.”

“Is that so?” I climb back onto the bed, straddling her on my knees as I pull my shirt up over my head. Safi’s eyes glance down at my body, and I realize suddenly that this is the first time she’s seen me like this, without anything on my top half.

I’m aware that my body isn’t traditionally handsome. I’m not all chiseled muscle and twink-thin belly, like a movie star or a male model. The body I have wasn’t created in a gym but out on the streets with my father’s men. Once again I have a flash of doubt that perhaps she’ll run from me, that perhaps my life isn’t for her, but when she meets my eyes all I see is wonder.

“Where did you get those tattoos?”

“These?” I trace the lines of a haphazard skull, a playing card, a switchblade. They aren’t professional. They were put there with makeshift tools, hurried and sketchy. “Baby, I wasn’t always a respectable, upstanding citizen.” I laugh, shaking my head, wondering if that’s what I am now. I’m trying, but the life I was born into isn’t easily cast aside. “There was a time when I ran with some pretty bad people. Served some time in prison. Nothing too heavy but I won’t keep it a secret from you. This one.” I twist, pointing to the horse’s head under my left arm, near to my shoulder blade. “This one I got to remind me of the time I stole a horse out of the back of a trailer.”

I see her eyes go wide, and I know what she’s thinking, but I shake my head, grinning.

“They were taking him for slaughter. As far as I know he’s still living happily on the retirement farm I paid to take him in.”

“You rescued a horse’s life?” A smirk pulls at the corner of her lips.

“Yes, baby. But the authorities called it theft. I ended up in a cell. Not for long, but it did teach me one thing.”

“What was that?”

“Laws are less important to me than morals.” I unfasten the button on my pants and pull the two halves apart, my cock heavy and hard beneath. Safi props herself forward on her elbow and runs a finger down my belly to the V of my hips, tugging at the waistband of my boxers, taking a peep inside, as if she can’t already see what’s waiting for her.

Tags: Aria Cole, River West Romance