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“That’s more like it,” Wade said softly. “Put your head on my shoulder.”

She did. And she closed her eyes. If it turned out that all she would have was one night with him, being held like this was something she would always remember.

Keeping her close, moving easily, he danced with her as if he had always known her. Cat relaxed in his embrace, pliant and yielding, pleasurably aware of Wade’s supple strength. Despite his initial demurrals, his lead was so natural that following him was effortless.

Dreamily, she lifted her head to look up at him and her breath caught when she saw the tenderness in his eyes. Her lips parted in surprise and he took his chance. Wade’s mouth claimed hers for only a few seconds, but she found the discreet pressure of his lips overwhelmingly sensual.

With a little gasp, she broke the kiss and glanced around. No one had noticed. The only other couple left on the floor were lost in their own romantic world too.

Cat put her head back on his shoulder to hide her excited confusion. Wade made no protest, only rested his chin on the top of her hair, moving her through the last steps and final notes of a song she had never heard before but was never going to forget.

It ended.

“Shall we sit down?” he said softly.

Reluctantly, Cat gave a slight nod, brushing her cheek against the fine material of his shirt, breathing in a faint but intoxicating fragrance that was a mix of warm man and good soap.

She moved apart from him with a sigh, holding onto his hand but not daring to look into his eyes until her heart stopped racing. The intimate dance had dissolved her last shreds of reserve. It would be easy to make a fool of herself over someone like Wade Rogers. And so enjoyable.

A neon-rimmed clock on the wall caught his eye. “Hell. It’s almost ten-fifteen,” he muttered. He didn’t sit down when they reached their table, but turned to her. “Cat, as much as I don’t want the evening to end, I do have to catch a very early flight in the morning. I need to get you back to the ranch right about now.”

“Oh. Are you—staying at a hotel in Miles City tonight?” Disappointment washed over her. She tried not to show it.

“I checked in before I drove to the ranch,” Wade told her.

Cat picked up her purse. Marsha had already cleared away their glas

ses and plates. Wade opened his wallet and tossed down two bills that more than covered their tab. “Ready to go?” he asked.

“As soon as I get my coat.” She kept her tone light.

The drive back to the Triple C seemed painfully short to Cat. When they arrived at the ranch headquarters, they saw plenty of vehicles parked at the old barn, indicating the party was still in full swing. An old hay-wagon, mounded with loose straw, rolled past them, drawn by a shaggy-coated team of draft horses. Several couples were snuggled together in the straw pile, mindless of the night air’s chill.

“A hayride,” Wade said with amusement. “Looks like fun. I wish we had more time.”

We. The single word made Cat feel wistful and already alone. He drove closer to the house and parked, getting out and coming around to her side of the car to assist her.

Without saying a word, he walked her up the steps to the front door. The porch light was awfully bright after the comforting darkness of his rented car. When she looked up, his gaze locked with hers. She desperately wanted what she saw in their depths—a steady fire that hinted at strong emotion. He took her arm and drew her aside into the shadows, cupping one strong hand to her cheek and bending down to kiss her.

She wanted that even more. His lips were firm and the searching tenderness of his tongue stirred her. Wade sighed when he stopped, sliding his hand around her neck in a sensual caress. “That was our second kiss.”

“Do we have to count them?” she murmured.

“No.” He gazed down at her. “I was just thinking that a first kiss can be so awkward.” Ever so briefly, he touched his lips to hers before she could say anything. “But ours wasn’t.”

She drew in a ragged breath, not able to reply.

“If you don’t mind my saying so, I suspect it’s been a while for you. Like dancing. Am I right?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

He drew her into an open embrace. “I have to tell you something. I’m honored that I got that chance. You really are a beautiful woman, Cat.”

“You certainly make me feel like one,” she admitted.

“I’m coming back,” he said softly. “I should make it before Christmas.”

“That’s not far away.”

Tags: Janet Dailey Calder Saga Romance