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“Which is one more reason I won’t be going to Texas for Thanksgiving,” Cat declared and proceeded to clear away the soup dishes while Jessy passed around the makings for sandwiches.

“Isn’t anyone going to bring up the other elephant in the room?” Chase challenged.

“What elephant, Greypa?” Jake looked around the dining room with wide-eyed interest. “I don’t see it. Where is it?”

“It’s just a figure of speech, bud,” Trey told him. “There isn’t a real elephant in here.” He smiled at Jake’s obvious disappointment, then glanced at Chase. “I think Grandpa’s talking about the summerhouse Tara built over in Wolf Meadow.”

“Summerhouse.” Chase snorted at the phrase. “If that’s what you call it, then the Homestead is a log cabin. That place rivals anything Rutledge built at the Slash R, plus she added an airstrip. He just had a teensy little helipad.”

“Trey and I were talking about it just the other day,” Sloan began.

Chase pinned her with an arrow-sharp look. “Are you two thinking about moving over there to live?”

Catching his combative tone, Cat spoke up. “It would give them a lot more privacy than they have here.”

“I’m not interested in us living there,” Sloan said quickly. “But I am convinced you would have no trouble at all leasing the place as a summer retreat to various companies, or even individuals.”

There was a full second of heavy silence at the table. When Chase spoke, it was in a carefully controlled but terse tone.

“The Triple C will not be turned into a dude ranch while I’m alive.”

“Trey told me much the same thing,” Sloan admitted. “Still, it seems such a waste for the place to sit unused, all locked up.”

“She has a point,” Cat agreed. “Someone needs to be living there. Otherwise it’s just going to slowly deteriorate.” The minute the words were out of her mouth, she pointed a warning finger at Chase. “And don’t you dare suggest that I go live there!”

“I wouldn’t waste my breath suggesting it.”

“I should hope not.”

“A decision of some sort has to be made about it. We can’t keep putting it off,” Chase stated, then glanced at Jessy. “When was the last time anyone checked on the place?”

“Fall roundup,” she replied. “When we made our gather at Wolf Meadow, I rode over and took a look around. I didn’t have a key so I couldn’t go inside, but everything looked fine.”

“Just the same, you might as well fly over there this afternoon and inspect the house inside and out, as well as all the outbuildings. See if it can be converted to an outcamp for that corner of the ranch.”

“That would mean building a road to it, Gramps,” Trey inserted, reminding Chase that the site was only accessible by air.

“That’s a cost we’ll have to weigh against its potential use,” Chase replied.

“I have a meeting this afternoon, but I can fly over there in the morning,” Jessy told him. “Would you want to ride along, Chase?”

He shook his head. “After riding an hour in that cramped cockpit, my arthritis would have me so stoved up, you’d have to pry me out of the plane. You and Laredo go. Why don’t you ride along with them, Cat?” he suggested. “Do you good to get away for a bit. Have a change of scenery.”

“You just want me out of the house so I won’t be around to nag you,” she retorted.

“That wasn’t my reason at all,” he stated, his exasperation showing.

“I’m sure it wasn’t,” Cat agreed. “But I can’t go tomorrow anyway. I want to get a jumpstart on baking the pies for Thanksgiving, and get a few casseroles made ahead as well so all I’ll have to do is pop them in the oven.”

“Can I go with you, Grandma?” Jake piped up, eyeing Jessy with unabashed eagerness. “I like riding in planes.”

“True. You’ve flown so often,” Trey teased, but the observation sailed over Jake’s head.

“I’d love to have you fly with me, as long as your mom says it’s okay.” Jessy smiled her answer.

“Mom won’t care. Will you, Mom?” He turned an earnest look on Sloan.

“You can go, as long as you promise to be good.” Sloan qualified her permission.

Tags: Janet Dailey Calder Saga Romance