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With a sigh, Brianna replaced the photo on the shelf and got into her pajamas. She was exhausted, but even after slipping into bed, she lay awake for a long time, gazing up into the darkness.

* * *

Allison had offered to make Burke breakfast that morning, hoping that, with Brianna already on the way to her new job, they could sit at the table and talk awhile. But he’d insisted that all he wanted was coffee and that he would make it himself. She shouldn’t have been surprised. He was still angry about her decision to take the part-time job at the agency. Angry or worried—most likely both.

By the time she’d dressed in leggings and a warm sweatshirt for her morning walk, he was talking on the phone in his study, the paperwork on his desk organized into neat piles. She gave him a wave from the open doorway. He would know where she was going—if he even cared.

But she mustn’t think that way. Burke did care. Maybe he cared too much. As a man, he took responsibility for everything that happened in his world and shouldered the blame for anything that went wrong.

Allison left the house by the back door and made her way down the slope to the jogging path that followed the lakeshore. The morning was cool and cloudy, with a steady breeze from the west. At her approach, a flock of mallards lifted off the water’s surface, rising and circling as their beating wings caught the wind.

The words of Kate’s letter came back to her as she followed the path. Kate could have kept her secret—the affair was over, the man no longer in her life. But she’d chosen to face the consequences with honesty and courage. And Burke had chosen to come back and save their marriage.

Was there a lesson to be learned here?

The breeze had taken on a chill. Allison thrust her hands into the front pocket of her sweatshirt. Today at one o’clock she would report to the agency for her so-called job. She would lie to Garrett about her intent, just as she’d already lied to Burke about the danger involved. She was tired of lying. But she was doing this for Burke and also for Brianna.

She could only wonder whether Kate would have made the same choice.

Dressed for work in gray slacks and a black silk blouse, Allison stood in the doorway of Burke’s study. Burke was still at his desk. “I’ve got time to make us some lunch before I leave,” she said. “Would you like something?”

“Don’t bother. Samuel left plenty of frozen dinners in the fridge. I can warm something up later, when I’m hungry.”

“You never seem to be hungry these days.” Not even for me. The thought crossed her mind as she walked into the room, stopping close enough to look over his shoulder.

Swiveling the chair, he looked up at her. His gaze was sharp and hard, traveling from her upswept hair to her black pumps. “So you’re really going.”

“I told you I was, and I told you why.” Maybe she ought to tell him everything she’d seen and heard. But Al

lison knew where that would lead.

“Have you spoken with Garrett lately?” she asked.

“I left a message, but he hasn’t returned my call. There’s a new receptionist. I had to tell her who I was. Did something happen to Fran?”

“I don’t know. I can ask.”

“Never mind. I should finish the loan application today. Can you drive me to the bank in the morning?”

“I can deliver it if you want,” Allison said.

“No, the folks at the bank will have heard about the accident. I need to show up on my feet, to let them know I’m fit to do business.”

“Fine. I’ll be glad to drive you.” Allison was about to leave, but something in his expression caused her to hesitate. “Are you sure I can’t get you some lunch?” she asked.

“Don’t bother, I’m fine.” He caught her hand as she turned to go, drawing her back toward him. “You don’t have to do this, Allison,” he said. “Call Garrett. Tell him you changed your mind.”

“It’s a little late for that.”

But as she spoke, Allison wondered, what if it wasn’t? What if she were to give in, abandon the idea of going to work, and do what he wanted her to? Would that close the rift between them? Would he draw her onto his lap and bury his face between her breasts while she wrapped him in her arms, opening to his touch, as she’d yearned to do?

No, that would be taking the easy way. Burke was in danger of losing everything. She had to see this through.

“Listen to me,” he said, still gripping her hand. “I’m not a fool, Allison. I know Garrett’s doing everything he can to close the deal with Edgeway and get their people in place while I’m out of action. The new receptionist was just one of the clues. The fact that he hasn’t returned my calls is another. You might be able to handle Garrett. But he’s surrounding himself with some dangerous people. Letting you go to work there would be like watching you walk into a rattlesnake den.”

Letting you? She could have challenged him, but she’d be wise to choose her battles. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I know what I’m getting into.”

He shook his head. “I’m not sure you do. Wait a week. By then I’ll be strong enough to go back and take care of things myself. With luck, we’ll have approval on the bank loan. Then we can move on to a whole new set of challenges.”

Tags: Janet Dailey New Americana Romance