Page 103 of Deadly Attraction

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They climbed the hill to the castle and dispersed, each having strategic tasks to implement.

Unfortunately, Darien’s optimism about marrying Jade waned as he gave the scenario more thought. He could not dismiss Morgan’s statements and found himself wondering if he really could pull off the impossible.

* * * * *

Jade spent the majority of the day making the rounds in the village, popping into shops to listen to her neighbors’ fears regarding the invading renegade demon force and the king’s army surrounding the perimeter of their small community.

She attempted to calm the anxiety of her friends, but there was more to the deep-seated concern than the threat of attack. She’d created upheaval and turmoil with her announcement that she intended to marry the Demon King, but she was diplomatic in placating everyone and actually very good at soothing frayed nerves. To an extent, anyway.

Her last stop was the tavern, where she sat with the regulars and assured them the king’s army would deal swiftly with the renegades, now that their whereabouts had been narrowed down.

Michael asked, “What if the rogue demons break through one of the barricades?”

“Then Tanner and I will have to protect the villagers. In fact, it would be a good idea for everyone to remain in the general area, in their shops and here, tomorrow and the next day. So no one’s wandering about, making a target of themselves.”

The severity of the predicament did not escape anyone. Jade imagined this was the sort of tension and terror Lisette and the elders had experienced each time a demon war had erupted, decades ago.

The waiting, she decided, was the hardest part. Having no idea what happened outside the border of Ryleigh and not being directly involved in the conflict created as much consternation as the threat against the people she’d sworn to protect.

So when Tanner strutted in with a purposeful gait, she jumped from her chair and

met him in front of the fireplace.

“Something happened, I can see it in your eyes,” she said, though he was clearly trying to keep a reserved visage.

“Bring your swords,” he said in a quiet voice.

She collected both, and her jacket. They left the tavern, but someone followed them. She whirled around and found Michael hot on their heels.

“Whatever it is,” he said, “you can probably use another sword.”

“You don’t have a sword,” she reminded him.

Tanner handed over one of his. “Do you know how to use it?”

“Of course. Not as well as either of you, but I can manage.”

“Absolutely not!” Jade was horror-stricken at the suggestion Michael intended to join them.

“Jade,” Tanner said, his tone dark and ominous. “We need him.”

With that, the other slayer turned sharply and mounted his horse. Jade bristled, but Michael clearly wasn’t going anywhere.

“Fine,” she said against her better judgment. “Ride with me and do as I say.” He scowled at her, but she didn’t hedge. “That’s the deal, or you might as well walk back to the tavern.”

They followed Tanner to the west woods but slowed a quarter mile before the forest ended and opened to a flat clearing. Snow fell lightly, though not enough to obscure the visibility. Through the trees, Jade saw the commotion beyond the woods and her heart lodged in her throat.

The ragtag assembly and the black banner blowing in the breeze told her the demons gathered were not from Darien’s alliance.

As her pulse raged, she heard riders approach from behind. She drew her sword as she jerked on the reins and faced the newcomers. She recognized them from the recent patrols, though they’d always been on the other side of the border.

“We’ve violated code by cutting through the forest,” one of them said, “but it was the fastest way to get here.”

“How’d you know the fire wraith’s army had congregated?” she asked.

“The king sent scouts as soon as he returned to the castle. One from this area headed back to alert him the rogues have arrived ahead of schedule. The others found us. Additional scouts are searching the remainder of the outskirts.”

His gaze shifted from Jade to the army in the clearing and then back. “I estimate fifty or sixty here. That means there are other garrisons about to appear in varying locations outside the boundaries of the village.”

Tags: Calista Fox Fantasy