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Unfortunately, her agent phoned to remind her that she was on deadline to make a decision about New York and a band. The pressure sat heavy in her chest but she surged forward with launching Fallon’s yacht club lounge.

Liv immersed herself in practicing with Defiant and getting used to the acoustics in the enormous restaurant, which were phenomenal, and the entire layout of the stage and the room in general. There was a playlist to narrow down, outfits to select, shoes and accessories, hair and makeup . . . And promo. Lots of promo, because Fallon had opted to open the usually members-only club to the community for a one-time opportunity following the private rehearsal dinner, and she wanted to pack them in for Liv’s “debut.” And perhaps secure more memberships.

In addition to the club springing for Defiant to stay in town to work with Liv, the Marketing and PR team promoted the restaurant and the headlining act. Naturally, that entailed photo shoots and personal appearances around town, where Liv and the band members handed out flyers.

It wasn’t until late Friday afternoon that she took a real break—for the wedding rehearsal at Nick’s mansion.

Liv joined Fallon, Roxy, and Sylvia in an upstairs suite, hanging her gown on the rack with the others. Everything was set for tomorrow’s real-deal and it was nice to know she wouldn’t have to rush and accidentally spill anything on her stunning bridesmaid dress.

Chloe’s gown was to be delivered first thing in the morning by Ruby so she could make any last-minute alterations. Liv was impressed that Chloe wasn’t freaking out too much over the fact that the most sensational dress she would ever wear wasn’t yet in sight.

As the ladies stood at the railing at the top of the curving marble staircase Chloe would descend for her grand entrance, Liv gazed at the landing below.

Nate and Tristan were at the altar with the rest of the groomsmen and John.

She was relieved they’d made it back in time. They’d called her during the week to say they had some new plans to discuss with her, and she was curious as to what that entailed—but mostly . . . she was jonesing for them both in the worst way.

Nate wore a lightweight black sweater, pants, and boots, his dark hair a tousled mess, his grass-green eyes glowing warmly under the enormous chandelier as he and Tristan chatted it up with Nick and Hunter.

Tristan was a blond Adonis in a sky-blue dress shirt that set off his mesmerizing irises, the fit of the shirt complementing his sculpted muscles.

She sighed.

Beside her, Sylvia said, “The Junior League is hosting a luncheon for Nate and Tristan on Sunday afternoon. You know, the observatory closed down a few years ago when Thomas Hadley passed away and no one stepped in to revive it. Nate and Tristan purchased it from the Hadley estate. They’re launching a weekend and afterschool science program there, and they’ll also host science camps in the summer. They’re reopening the observatory once they’ve upgraded all of the equipment.”

Fallon added, “I heard from the Soroptimist ladies that Nate and Tristan reinstated the scholarships that had gotten them into Bayfront Academy. The funding had fallen by the wayside a while back, along with the science programs. Your two gentlemen are going to grant full rides to ten kids next semester. And that’s just a starting point, from what I understand.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Liv asked, curious.

With a noncommittal shrug, Fallon said, “Just thought you should be aware that they’re planting stakes in the community.”

Liv didn’t have time to ruminate over that—the bridal consultant was

heading their way, and Liv needed to focus on her role in the wedding. She, Fallon, and Sylvia took the service elevator downstairs as they would do the following day after they’d dressed. Their entrance was from the side of the staircase, coming from the study. They’d walk the long aisle runner that would be rolled out tomorrow and covered with lavender and white rose petals. The elegant silver Chivari chairs with crisp white cushions were already set out, but the tulle and satin accents wouldn’t be added until the morning, along with the candles and the flowers.

Oh, God, the flowers!

Tova Presley had overseen the growth of various blooms in her solarium for the florist to create spectacular arrangements for the ceremony and the reception. Liv couldn’t wait to see the outcome.

She took her cue from the wedding planner and started down the aisle. She concentrated on looking straight ahead as directed, but found it impossible not to steal glances at Nate and Tristan. Heat flashed through her and she bit back a smile—trying to appear serious, rather than insanely turned on by the mere sight of them.

At the altar, she stood off to the side and watched as Fallon made her way down the aisle. They were then joined by Sylvia.

A minute or so passed before the music changed and Chloe ascended the stairs. Liv wouldn’t let her friend see that her attention was diverted for even a second, but her thoughts were mostly on Nate and Tristan. She couldn’t help herself. She’d missed them all week. It was a stronger, more significant sensation than in the past because of what they’d recently shared, how their relationship had evolved over the last two weeks, and her own acknowledgement of her feelings for them.

When the rehearsal was over, the guys were whisked away in a stretch Hummer and the ladies in a sleek Mercedes limo, giving Liv a slight reprieve from her preoccupation with Nate and Tristan.

On the way to the yacht club, Chloe dabbed at her eyes with tissues, saying over and over, “I have to cry this all out tonight. I can’t be teary-eyed for the wedding. Or the pictures. This just won’t do!”

Sylvia draped an arm around her. “Trust me, you can’t cry this out. You will be weepy, sweetie. It’s inevitable. You’re marrying an amazing man, and good Lord! The setting and the dresses are going to be insanely beautiful. Everyone will cry.”

“And everyone will be talking about this wedding for months and months,” Fallon gushed. “I can’t wait to see the decorations and the grounds tomorrow night. Nick said he brought in two additional landscaping crews who have been working full time the past few weeks for this event.”

“I can’t believe you haven’t let us see the dress,” Liv told Chloe.

“You guys will fall out of your chairs,” Chloe assured them. “Oh, wait. You won’t be sitting.”

The girls laughed.

Tags: Calista Fox Billionaire Romance