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“You better not have spilled on me.” He stepped back and glanced down at his suit, running his hands along the gray material.

“I’m the only one wearing it,” she lamented.

“Good. I’ve got a meeting in ten minutes. I don’t have time for fucking games.”

“Yeah, this is totally my idea of a good time.”

He glared at her. “You were texting, weren’t you?” he sharply demanded.

“Leave her alone.”

Liv’s head whipped in the direction of Nate’s voice as he joined them.

“Whoever the hell you are, stay out of this,” Toby warned in the tone he’d been using to intimidate people since junior high. “Superstar over here needs to pay better attention to where she’s going.”

Liv opened her mouth to tell him to go to hell, but Nate stepped in front of her, positioning his mammoth body between her and Toby so that she actually had to look around Nate’s rock-hard biceps to see the other man.

“Nate Dalton,” he said by way of an introduction. “Why don’t you cross to a different sidewalk the next time you see Liv coming? Might be safer for you.” His tone held its own threatening edge—one that made Liv’s toes curl and her breath catch.

Toby’s gaze slid over Nate, his brow lifting ever so slightly, as though he mentally debated exactly how wise it would be to tangle with Nate. His jaw clenched for a moment, then he let out an annoyed grunt. “Just live in the real world with the rest of us when you’re in town, Liv. You’re not God’s gift to Bayfront, you know?”

He shoved past Nate to continue on his way. Liv whirled around.

“Hey, you arrogant asshole! I was—”

“Uh-uh.” Nate’s arm snaked around her midsection and he hoisted her off her feet, spun on his booted heel, and set her down, giving her a pat on the butt to send her in the opposite direction. “He’s not worth a public confrontation that’ll end up on TMZ or whatever.”

Liv marched off with Nate a half-step behind her. “That soulless twit,” she muttered. “Always so damn antagonizing. He deserves a good railing at—and a kick in the shins. I’m the one covered with coffee, for chrissakes.” She jerked around and spread her arms wide as she declared, “Look at me!”

The corner of Nate’s mouth twitched. “A hot mess. Emphasis on the hot.”

Liv’s temper eased instantly. “I’m soaked.”

“You’d win any wet T-shirt contest, hands down.”

“That’s sexist,” she said with a smirk.

“I just call ’em like I see ’em.”

She would have swatted playfully at him, but her hands were full. She skirted a few passersby and dropped her coffee in a trash bin. “Thank God it was iced or I’d be on my way to the ER for scalding.”

“Yes. Also fortuitous that you didn’t dump the contents on

Toby. He likely would have sued you.”

“Actually, I was a little worried he was going to smack me. Still has that lightning-quick temper. What a whackjob.”

“I’m sure he’s smarter than that. Though I do recall him hauling off on a kid during a basketball game. The reason I wanted him to move along rather than trying to terrorize you.”

“You’ve certainly got the don’t fuck with me look down pat.” She tucked her cell into her purse and then flirtatiously said, “That was really very sexy how you flexed your muscle with Toby.”

“I don’t like a bully any more than you do.”

“He is a colossal prick.”

“And you are a drowned rat. Want me to drive you home so you can change?”

“Not necessary,” she said with a smile. “Tons to do. I’ll grab a spare shirt from Fallon’s beauty shop in a bit. She keeps a bunch of them on hand for when she’s mixing trial lotions and potions, in the event the contents explode as she removes the lid. I have to pick up some things from her boutique, anyway. First, though, I have a quick stop to make.”

Tags: Calista Fox Billionaire Romance