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After they all towel-dried, Jax took her back into the suite and they settled in bed, with Lex joining them.

Lily lay between them. She asked, “Is this wise? I do work for you, remember?”

Jax said, “No one would come up here at night except for Greta. And she’s got no cause to pop into my suite.”

“But if she’s looking for me—”

“She won’t be,” Lex assured her. “It’s late. She’s probably asleep.”

“Okay, but . . . an unexpected visitor wasn’t really what I was getting at,” Lily said in a soft voice. “I meant the sleepover part.”

Lex pulled her to him and she rested her head on his chest, her damp hair teasing his skin. Jax spooned her from behind. Stroked her arm.

“What’d you think we were going to do?” Lex asked. “Send you back to your room?”

“It is a very lovely room, by the way. And I don’t know what I expected. This is new to me. I haven’t been with a man in ages. And now I’ve been with two at the same time.”

“When it rains it pours?” Jax quipped.

She twisted slightly so she could look at him. “Seriously did not see the levity coming. I like it.” She kissed him. Then added, “Though you have brooding down to a science and it is damn sexy.”

“You’re damn sexy.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

Turning back to Lex, she said, “Please don’t fire me.”

“Ah. There’s that worry again. Thought we’d covered this already.” He grimaced. “Lily, we seduced you. You could sue us, for Christ’s sake.”

“Are you sure that’s how it went down?” she prompted with a quirked brow.

Jax snickered.

She said, “Because I know I was sending out signals. I couldn’t help it. You are both too potent by far. Alone, and infinitely more so together. I can’t imagine any woman resisting you, especially as a team.”

“The past year hasn’t been about teaming up that way,” Lex reminded her. “We have a CD to record.”

“And it’s going to be a chart-topper—beyond fabulous,” she insisted. “Not a dry eye in the house during your tour.”

“We’ll see,” Lex murmured. “Now tell us why you’re so worried about putting your employment in jeopardy. And why did you sign on for only two months?”

She was quiet a few moments. Her nails drew tiny circles on his abdomen.

“Lily?” This from Jax. “Is everything okay with you?”

His tone was tinged with concern and that told Lex that his friend had likely ventured down the same path mentally, wondering about Lily’s health. They wouldn’t have both gone there in their minds, he was sure, if they hadn’t experienced this once before.

But Lily said, “I’m going on a trip. To Europe. And I’m taking my mother with me. First-class all the way. She deserves it and I’ve always dreamed of it.”

Lex managed to not heave a sigh of relief. His muscles relaxed. He hadn’t even realized how tense he’d become.

Jax said, “That’s very generous of you, sweetheart.”

She spared a glance at him over the term of endearment. But didn’t comment.

Lex asked, “Where are you both going?”

“Well . . . it’s not so much a ‘both’ scenario in the sense you’re thinking. She’s dead.”

And the muscles bunched again.

Tags: Calista Fox Billionaire Romance