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“In the Hamptons?”

“Yes. Though he wasn’t a fan of the high-society scene. He was very low-key. Salt of the earth. And those are the kinds of people he tried to surround himself with. Needless to say, he and Mitcham weren’t the best of pals, despite being brothers. They tolerated each other is the best way to describe their relationship.”

Scarlet bit into the slice of pie he’d heated up for her and swallowed it down before asking, “Did Phil Bert like Michael, or just tolerate him as well?”

“He liked Michael. Didn’t see too much of him because Michael’s never been one to hang around the stables. But they had a good rapport and found other things in common.”

“Yet Michael didn’t get five million dollars in cash from his uncle—his biological uncle—when he passed. And you did. That’s a little strange, don’t you think?”

“Not really,” Sam said. “The majority of the estate was liquidated and went to numerous horse farms—mainly a couple of facilities that take in retired or lame race champions so they’re not mistreated or euthanized. Or ground up for the meat.”

“Ugh.” She crinkled her pert nose.

“It happens. Anyway, Uncle Phil Bert knew his father had bequeathed an entire sugar plantation to Michael. Took some time for all the legalities to be worked out, but eventually that land was Michael’s. He was able to subdivide and sell a plot. The end result was that he had acreage in Hawaii, a business, and available funds.”

“And you had…?”

“Still just a handful of nickels to rub together,” he told her.

With a small nod, she said, “So Phil Bert evened the playing field.”

“In a manner of speaking, yes. He left me the exact same amount as he knew Michael had made on the flip. Along with two horses. And a lifetime of knowledge that allowed me to start up this equestrian ranch and pursue a passion I’d never have known existed within me if I hadn’t met Phil Bert. If he hadn’t taken an interest in me. Hadn’t trusted me to take good care of his horses.”

“That’s very heartwarming. But … How’d Michael respond? Did it cause any sort of riff between the two of you that Phil Bert had bequeathed you something and Michael nothing?”

“Michael’s not that way. Yes, I know he can be very intense and completely wrapped up in acquisitions and the market and building a bigger and bigger empire. Yet one thing that both vexed and shaped him as a person was Mitcham’s decree that Michael and I were supposed to make it on our own. If we wanted what Mitcham had, we had to figure out how to achieve it without simply being handed a golden ticket.”

She seemed to give this thought, then said, “Michael did mention this, though he phrased the dynamic a bit differently. Basically, he summed it up by saying he was privy to luxuries, but they weren’t really his by right until he’d earned them.”


Scarlet stared off into the tall flames for a few seconds. Likely piecing together some of the puzzle before posing her next round of questions.

Sam admired her profile. Found her just as mesmerizing when she was lost in thought as he found her when she was gazing intently at him. Or flirtatiously. He wondered if she knew the latter came so naturally to her. That he responded to it innately.

He finished his pie with the exception of some of the crust and fed that to the pup. He really did need to name the little guy. Especially since the Lab was finally starting to come around, eating more, and he’d drained his bowl of water. Was doing his business regularly.

In addition to the multitude of toys, the bed, the food and treats, and the other accessories and supplies Sam had splurged on at the pet store in Kalispell, he’d also picked up a stretch of fake turf that emitted a feral scent that enticed the dog to relieve himself there, rather than on Sam’s expensive hardwood floor. Since the pup was only a few inches from the ground at this point, he couldn’t get through the mass of snow that had piled up. And Sam hadn’t had the chance to use the blower on the deck and walkways during this latest storm.

As the mutt wandered off, Scarlet turned back to Sam. She asked, “How’s the relationship between your mom and Mitcham?”

“Good. Strong. She’s crazy about him. Was from the time she met him. She didn’t even know who he was at first. That was probably by design on his part. But he fell hard for her, too. I honestly believe he’d do anything for her. He’s a different man when he’s with her.”

“Not quite the foreboding hard-ass?”

“Not quite.” He grinned.

“Hmm. So you approve of their marriage?”

“Initially? No, not really. I had no desire to move to the Hamptons. But the fringe benefits made up for that hesitation. And then seeing how happy she was…” He shrugged. “What more could I have wanted for her?”

“What indeed.”

They put their plates in the dishwasher and Sam said, “I’ll show you to the loft. Take your bags up for you.”

“Thanks. It’s been a long day. And I appreciate the hospitality.”

“Anyone in these parts would have done the same.”

Tags: Calista Fox Lover's Triangle Erotic