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“You’re stunning,” Jane told her. “Drake will be on his knees, thanking you profusely for saying ‘yes’. That’s if he can even breathe.”

She smiled at her friends. “Thank you, both. I am so lucky to know you and it makes me want to cry that you’d come all the way here to share this with me.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Yvette assured her as she gently squeezed Shana’s hand. “I just can’t imagine how I’m going to live up to this spectacular vision before me if Finn and I ever get married. You’re seriously going to blow Drake’s mind.”

She flushed over the compliments, but accepted them graciously. They’d both proven to her that she needed to stop all of her internal obsessing and accept who she was and how she looked. So much so, she’d taken to writing about her experiences, her painful past and her new outlook on life, along with everything she’d learned about her heritage. The reception of her online postings to her web community had been overwhelmingly positive and also therapeutic. She only wished she could help Jane with what ailed her. She hoped that her and Yvette being her friends provided at least some relief to the longing for human contact Jane feared indulging in because she didn’t fully trust herself.

Staring at herself in the mirror, Shana had to admit she looked exactly as she’d always hoped she would on her wedding day. Deliriously happy and radiant. What more could a girl ask for?

Except…she’d gotten more out of the deal than what she’d dreamed of in her youth.

She had three earnest friends wanting to stand by her side. She had a renewed connection with her family. And she had the sexiest, sweetest man-vampire-fiancé waiting downstairs to marry her.

She had everything she’d always wanted and so much more.

Fighting back another wave of tears, she said, “I could stand here all night and admire this gorgeous gown, or…I could go get married.”

Jane laughed. “Trust me, there will be plenty of photos for you to admire the dress to your heart’s content.”

“Please,” Shana scoffed. “I’ll be wearing it twice a week for dinner, I’m sure.”

“Drake will appreciate that,” Yvette said. “Though I guarantee he’ll get his money’s worth when you walk downstairs.”

“Indeed,” Jane chimed in. “Let’s go marry you off, Cinderella.”

She lifted Shana’s train and followed her out of the room. Yvette had brought the bouquets upstairs. All three were perfectly round sculptures made of red roses and tied with shimmery, sheer ribbon. Shana wore no jewelry other than her new ring and a pair of diamond studs, not wanting anything to detract from the dress. Her long hair was styled in plump curls and secured away from her face with diamond-encrusted clips Jane gave her as a wedding gift. The strands cascaded down her back, revealing the shoulders left bare by the cut of the bodice.

As she stepped onto the landing at the top of the sweeping staircase, her breath caught at the transformation in the casita. Large hurricanes with glowing candles sat in the corner of every other step that led to the first floor. There, more of the hurricanes created a walkway with red rose petals scattered along it. Candles and floral arrangements were strategically placed around the living room and kitchen, softly illuminating the dimly lit rooms and scenting them with a sensual aroma. A Spanish guitarist sat on a stool in the far corner, strumming a romantic tune and murmuring words that sounded sweet and sexy at the same time.

Through the open doors, she saw the devilishly handsome man she loved standing on the patio, looking drop-dead gorgeous in all black, as he’d been the first time she’d laid eyes on him. He wore a stylish dress shirt opened at the neck, pants and boots. His blue eyes were dark and smoldering as he took her in from head to toe. His mouth gaped as he sucked in a sharp breath. Shana’s toes curled in the dainty shoes that had been included with the dress.

Finn whistled under his breath, openly admiring her. Yvette snickered and whispered, “Yeah, he’s getting it tonight. Not.”

Shana would have laughed, but she could barely breathe. As she reached Drake and he took her hand, twining their fingers together, she felt a ripple of excitement down her spine.

He seemed incapable of taking his eyes off her. He leaned close and said in a low voice, “You couldn’t be any more beautiful and I couldn’t be any luckier.”

Emotion swelled in her throat, but she kept the tears at bay.

Anxiety was now a distant memory for Shana and not a hint of apprehension or uncertainty tainted this special moment between her and Drake. For once, she reveled in pure, unadulterated happiness. She knew what she wanted most in life and she was about to get it.

Him. Forever.

After they’d said their vows and they’d danced and dined and drank with their friends and the reception was over, Drake lifted her carefully into his arms and carried her upstairs. He made core-shaking love to her on a bed covered with rose petals in a room lit by candles and filled with sultry music.

Just as Jane had predicted.

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Tags: Calista Fox Body Scenes Erotic