Page 74 of Craving You

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L.L. said, “And I couldn’t be happier for you. I just… I’ve spent so much time not believing in a happy ending and then I suddenly fell down that rabbit hole, only to have the rug ripped from beneath me again because Tague’s future isn’t here in New York.”

Len eyed her speculatively. Then shared a look with Max.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “What?”

“L.L.,” Len said. “This isn’t like you at all. This…apprehension and distress.”

“Sweetie,” Max chimed in. “You’re an adventurer at heart. You’re fearless when it comes to spreading your wings, living in a different city, a different country. Hell, you didn’t even know French when you moved to Paris. But you learned. And you fell in love with the city. You’ve loved it here, too, but Manhattan no longer feels like home because Corey Crenshaw has invaded your turf. So for fuck’s sake. Why would you stay when you have a more appealing option elsewhere?”

Len added, “No one ever said you needed to be here with us to get the job done. We’ve never had to be in the same location before. You design the product remotely and work all the admin aspects—which will also include our website development—in a virtual environment. Max and I are responsible for everything that happens here, physically.”

“He’s right,” Max said. “You have the opportunity for something great…somewhere else. So go, L.L. Go.” He gathered her in his arms and squeezed her tight. “Our business model works whether you’re here or not. But your heart… That’s what you really have to follow.”

She cried on his shoulder. She couldn’t help it. But even through her sobs, L.L. knew what she had to do.

Pulling away and swiping at her wet cheeks, she said, “I love you guys. I just need to try something different. It might not even pan out, but… I have to give this thing with Tague a chance. He deserves that much from me.”

“You deserve it, too, L.L.,” Max insisted.

She nodded. Drew in a long breath. Gave a shaky smile. But told them, “I’m sorry about the timing.”

“Don’t be. Now get the hell out,” Max quipped. “We have our own work to do.” He winked.

She hugged them both. “I can’t believe I’m about to do this, but… I’ve got a plane to catch.”

“That’s our girl,” Len said. “Trust us, Mr. Right doesn’t come along every day.”

“No, he certainly does not,” she agreed as more tears tumbled down her cheeks.

They confirmed a conference call later in the week to hammer out their business details, discuss schedules and how L.L. would return when needed. Then she was in a cab, on her way to JFK. She didn’t even have time to stop at her apartment to pack a suitcase. Luckily, she had some bare necessities with her in her laptop bag.

On the way, Chip coordinated with Tague’s assistant and relayed Tague’s flight number and seat assignment. L.L. thought it was a sign from above when she found there were several first class pods available on the same plane—one adjacent to Tague’s. She’d surprise him, difficult though it was not to call or text him. She could barely sit still in her seat. Her pulse raced and her heart thundered.

It was crazy and impulsive, but for the first time that morning, something finally felt right to her.

With no luggage to check, L.L. breezed through security and made it to the gate as the passengers were boarding. She was directed to the first-class cabin by a flight attendant and slipped into a fancy pod, breathing heavy from rushing to make it on time. Yet as the plane filled and the minutes ticked by… No Tague. The pod beside her remained empty.

Dread snaked through her. L.L. phoned Chip.

“He’s not here,” she said, panicked. “On the plane. Tague’s not here.”

“Give me a sec.” Chip put her on hold for what felt like a small eternity and had her nearly jumping out of her skin with anxiety. It was pure torture.

Where the hell was Tague?

Eventually, Chip came back on the line. “He never checked in for the flight, according to his assistant.”


at?” L.L. shrieked, her panic skyrocketing.

“Sherry’s been trying to reach him. The calls are going straight to voicemail and he hasn’t answered any texts.”

“Where could he be?”

“Wrapping up loose ends?” Chip offered. “Look, chances are good he was late for the flight so he’ll need to rebook. Probably in the evening. Happens all the time.”

“But I’m on this flight!”

Tags: Calista Fox Erotic