Page 31 of Craving You

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His gut and his groin clenched. Maybe even his heart?

“The possibility exists,” Tague said. He gave her a quick kiss, then continued on his way, dumping his cup in a trash bin.

L.L. called after him, “Hey! That was probably

still hot!”

Glancing over his shoulder, he told her, “I don’t drink coffee, baby.”

Her sultry laugh seeped inside him. Stayed with him. Because she was damn alluring.

And highly addictive.

Perhaps too addictive?


More briefings and presentations ensued for Tague. He had a lot of catching up to do relative to the goings-on in the New York office, and quite a bit to discuss regarding his Tokyo ventures—and the plans he intended to pursue.

Following a routine staff meeting, he and Chip stepped into Tague’s office, Chip clearly chomping at the bit to inquire about Tague’s evening at the club.

“How’d things go after I left you?” he eagerly asked as Tague closed the door behind them.

“Loralai was extraordinary last night,” he confessed. “And L.L. was irresistible this morning.”

“This morning, you say?” His eyes widened. “She actually slept with you? Christ, you work fast.”

Tague snickered. And suddenly recalled the clean bill of health he’d told her he’d provide. And because he was determined to make love to L.L. with absolutely no barriers or restrictions, he reached for the phone on his desk and asked his assistant to schedule an exam for him ASAP—if not sooner. Friday was right around the corner, after all.

He hung up and told Chip, “I did not sleep with Loralai last night. But I did make my intentions crystal clear. However, there are some nuances to consider.”

“She seems equally taken with you.”

“As perfect a match as I could imagine,” he admitted. “Thank you.”

“Always happy to help, buddy.” Chip clasped him on the shoulder. “I owed you anyway. By a lot.”

“Consider the debt paid.”

Chip’s hand slid away. “With just a coffee date and an evening at a private, top Michelin-rated dining club?”

“Two coffee dates,” he corrected. “And while I’d thought otherwise previously, you might as well add me to your membership until I secure my own.”

Chip gave a knowing grin. “Told you you’d be back.”

“She hooked me, what can I say?” And why didn’t he feel a modicum of apprehension over that thought?

“I realize it’s none of my business, but since you’re both friends of mine, I’m just wondering if you’ve happened to mention Tokyo to her.”

Tague’s jaw set.

Ah, there’s the apprehension.

“It hasn’t come up as of yet, but it’s definitely on my mind.”

“To discuss with her?” Chip wanted clarification.

“Yes.” His teeth clenched for a moment. Then Tague said, “I don’t anticipate it being a huge issue. She’s already claimed to be fully committed to her career. She knows I am, too.”

Tags: Calista Fox Erotic