Page 41 of Dirty Sweet Cowboy

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Releasing my hands, Hawk reaches around and picks me up, holding my butt firmly in his grasp, pulling my hips forward towards him. He lowers me down onto his swollen cock and leans me back against the rock again. I wrap my arms around his neck to stay upright as he begins to rock in and out of me. His lips find mine again, kissing me passionately with every stroke. Hawk pulls in and out slowly, stretching and filling me with his thrusts, letting me feel every inch of his desire .

The sensation overwhelms me, and I cry out into the night in ecstasy as I finish for him, my fingernails gripping his back tightly. Hawk smiles and begins moving faster, pumping me more vigorously. I hold him as close as I can, riding my endless waves of pleasure as he fills me with his passion .

Suddenly, I feel his hands grip my ass hard. “Parrish!” he sighs as I feel him come inside of me in spurt after spurt .

We sit against the rock for several moments, still meshed together in our desire and emotion .

Hawk looks deeply into my eyes, and I am lost in him completely. “I love you. I always have, and I always will,” he tells me softly. “I won’t take this second chance for granted .”

I smile at him, my heart overwhelmed with all of the love I feel for this man who has changed his entire life for me. I take a deep breath, and lean forward, ready to finally whisper the secret I’ve been keeping from him for weeks .

“We’re giving Gracie a little brother or sister, Hawk. I’m having your baby .”

He pulls back, his eyes dancing with a mixture of pure happiness, and surprise. “You… really ?”

I nod. “Are you happy ?”

He holds me close and kisses me softly, then whispers, “I’ve never been happier in my entire life, Parrish. You, and Gracie, and our baby… You are my world now .”

And as he kisses me again, I know with every fiber of my being that he means it, and this time, he truly will be mine forever .

C opyright © 2017 by Jess Bentley

All rights reserved .

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review .

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CHAPTER 1 - Prologue


“I t’s hot. Way too hot. Want to get out of here ?”

Aden kicks off his flip-flops and drops onto the chaise lounge next to me. I just shake my head, keeping my sunglasses on against the glaring sunlight. It’s a nice day, especially for San Francisco, but he’s right. It’s hot .

He hands me another Heineken, downing half of his in one long gulp .

“We could go to the Presidio,” he suggests. “Nora and Jessie said they’re going to be hanging out there today .”

I shrug one shoulder, drinking the beer thoughtfully. “I went out with Jessie a couple weeks ago. It doesn’t sound like a good idea .”

“Oh, man!” he barks, frustrated. “Are you kidding me? I told you I liked her. Why would you do that ?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” I answer reasonably. “I saw her at the Dado, and she came on to me. She’s a nice chick. You should go for it .”

“Well, not if you already did,” he grumbles. “Can’t you just leave any of them alone? Doesn’t dibs mean anything to you ?”

“No, dibs does not mean anything to me .”

“Shit,” Aden huffs. “You know, ever since you struck it rich, you are kind of a jerk. Anybody ever tell you that ?”

“All the time,” I confirm. “That didn’t seem to stop Jessie though .”

“Fuck,” Aden spits .

In the pool house, I see his parents and my parents talking around the bar. They have been going at it for a couple of hours, but I don’t think Aden has noticed yet .

Tags: Jess Bentley Romance