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Smiling, she rolled onto her side, savoring the last filaments of night. Alone in her romantic cocoon, Rem was already hers.

She must have slept. The next thing she knew, sunlight was streaming insistently through her bedroom window, demanding that she open her eyes. Sammy ignored it, snuggling back into the covers and tugging a pillow over her head. It was too soon to part with the night's exhilarating dreams.

The commotion from the lower level changed her mind. A series of opening and closing doors ensued, followed by hurried footsteps and anxious, murmuring voices, intruding on Sammy's pleasant reverie. She sat up, the clock beside her dressing table telling her that it was only a few minutes past nine; far too early for visitors or appointments of any kind. Something was amiss.

She slid out of bed, washed and dressed in record time. Cynthia wouldn't be in for at least an hour, and there was no point in summoning her. All Sammy wanted was to get downstairs and find out what was causing the excitement.

Smitty collided with her in the hallway.

"Lady Samantha, forgive me, I didn't see you." His mouth was drawn, his expression grim.

"What's happened, Smitty? What's wrong?"

He hesitated.

"Is it Alex? Is the baby coming?"

"No, my lady. The duchess and her unborn child are well. As of yet there are no signs that the birth is imminent."

"Is it Drake, then?" Sammy tried next. When Smitty didn't answer immediately, she panicked. "Is he ill? Hurt?" She seized Smitty's hands. "Tell me what's wrong!"

"Physically your brother is fine, my lady. It's nothing such as that. It concerns Barrett Shipping."

"Barrett Shipping?" Sammy's focus shifted abruptly. "Did we lose another vessel?"

"We did."

"Which one?"

"A brig. Not one of our fleet, thankfully."

"But one we constructed?"


"Was anyone hurt, Smitty?"

"It doesn't look good, my lady. The crew was small, but none of them has been spotted. Nor has the ship or its cargo been recovered."

"Have we any clue as to what happened?"

"None. His Grace is terribly upset, and determined to find out what occurred. He's launching a full-scale investigation."

"I'm not surprised." Sammy nodded thoughtfully. She felt so helpless, so ineffectual. All her life Drake had been there for her. Now was her chance to be there for him.


The name sprang to mind, along with the realization that she'd never found the viscount to question him. "This brig... it didn't by any chance belong to Viscount Goddfrey, did it?" she blurted out.

Smitty looked startled. "Why, no, my lady, it didn't. In fact, it belonged to Viscount Anders."

"Stephen?" Sammy's brows rose in surprise. "Oh, he must be devastated. I'll go to him at once."

"It's barely nine o'clock, Lady Samantha. Hardly a proper hour to call on a gentleman."

"Smitty," Sammy gave him an exasperated look, "the viscount just lost his ship. I'm not paying a social call, I'm offering my support. But if it will ease your mind, Cynthia will accompany me."

"Well..." Smitty frowned.

Tags: Andrea Kane Barrett Historical