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"What about your family? Surely they're worried sick over your whereabouts?"

"My wife has no knowledge of our dire straits. She would cheerfully hand me over to Knollwood if she did."

"Running will solve nothing."

"Staying will solve less."

Rem inhaled sharply, weighing his options. Instinct told him that Goddfrey's guilt extended only as far as carelessness, greed, and weakness of character. It also told him that the viscount was at the end of his rope. The question was, how could he assist Goddfrey without revealing too much?

"I beg of you, Gresham. Don't tell anyone you saw me. By nightfall I'll be gone. If Knollwood should learn of my previous whereabouts, he'll come after me."

"I'll make a deal with you, Goddfrey," Rem replied. "I'll tell no one of our meeting . . . under one condition."

"Which is?"

"Tell me all you know about this low-life Knollwood."

"Why?" Suspicion flashed in Goddfrey's eyes.

"Because I want to anonymously alert the authorities that he should be investigated. I won't mention your name or my own. But wouldn't it ease your guilt to know you've spared others the agony you're now experiencing?"

A brief silence, then a nod. "I know very little about him. I don't find him—he finds me."


"At the Tower. Always at one a.m. He sends a message to my office."

"How does he know when you need money?"

Goddfrey shrugged. "He just does. He also decides when to demand repayment. And the price he exacts is excruciatingly high."

"What does he look like?"

"Short. Plump. Pale blue eyes. Unkempt gray hair. Of middle years. That's really all I can tell you."

"It's enough. I'll take it from here." Rem slid his chair back.

"Gresham!" Goddfrey bolted to his feet. "Remember, you swore not to tell anyone."

"And I won't." Rem rose, gazing at Goddfrey with a somber, pitying expression, "However, I will need to know your destination." He held up his hand to ward off Goddfrey's immediate protest. "I give you my word I'll share the information with no one."

"Why do you need to know where I'll be?"

"Because if Knollwood is apprehended, I'll be able to advise you."

"I'm not sure it matters anymore ... at least not to me. My life is beyond redemption."

"Well, it matters to me. Have you forgotten that you owe me fifty pounds from our last evening at White's? I intend to make certain you return to London this Season so that I might collect."

Goddfrey smiled faintly. "Thank you, Gresham." Furtively, he looked about the coffee room. "I'm staying with a distant cousin in Edinburgh. I'll write down his address for you."

Rem took the slip of paper and rose. "Good. Now I'm off to meet my friend. Stay well, Goddfrey. And don't lose heart."

Samantha was waiting at the door when Rem arrived.

"Hello, my lord." Rem couldn't help but smile, despite his pensive mood.

"You're supposed to keep me fashionably waiting, imp. You also have servants to answer the door."

Tags: Andrea Kane Barrett Historical