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Sloane punched off her phone and glanced over at Derek. “Penny had a routine every time she went to Stockton, which was nearly every time there was a Classical Humanities seminar. The lecture schedule was published well in advance, and each lecture was on a specific Saturday a month. Her ritual was to show up early and take a walk around Lake Fred. So even though it was broad daylight, even though the area was crowded with students, the Unsub knew it was his best chance to grab Penny. It wasn’t spontaneous. It was planned. And he pulled it off.”

“I’m not an expert on the minds of serial killers,” Derek replied. “But I do know they’re usually smart, methodical, and single-minded. Penelope was clearly the Unsub’s target. He wasn’t going to stop until he had her.”

“To do what with? Kill her? Rape and torture her beforehand? And where’s her body? We’ve got to find her. And we’ve got to find him—the vile animal who did this.” Sloane lowered her head, fighting the quaver in her voice. “If I’m the common link here, then it’s my fault that Penny was taken.”

“You know that’s irrational.” Derek’s response was quiet but definitive. “We’re dealing with an unbalanced offender. You represent something pivotal in his abnormal mind. That makes you a victim, not a catalyst. None of this is your fault.”

A long silent moment passed.

Then Sloane inhaled sharply and raised her head, her composure restored. “You’re right. I apologize for losing it. As we both know, I’m neither immune nor objective when it comes to Penny’s case.”

“Don’t apologize. You’re human. You and Penelope grew up together. For you, this is personal as well as professional.” Derek hesitated, then reached out, taking Sloane’s uninjured hand in his. “We’ll get him. I promise.”

Sloane’s gaze shifted to their joined hands, but instead of pulling away as Derek had expected, she gave him a grateful smile. “I know we will. But thanks for the promise. Thanks also for…”—she paused, searching for the right words—“…for your commitment and support.”

That clearly was not the entirety of what she wanted to say. Derek knew it, and so did Sloane. But before Derek could explore the issue, his cell phone rang, interrupting the moment.

Visibly irked, he snapped open the phone. “Parker.” His tone was curt, his jaw tight.

A minute later, his entire demeanor transformed from annoyance to frustration and anger. “Goddammit,” he ground out. After that, he fell silent again, listening intently. His expression grew grimmer by the minute. “Yeah, I heard you. Southern Jersey Medical Center on Hamilton Road. I’m on my way.” He punched off the phone, shoved it in his pocket, and rose.

“What happened?” Sloane asked.

He angled his head toward her. “It seems that Tina did more physical damage to her attacker than she realized. A shitload of narcotics were just stolen from a pharmaceutical closet in a Trenton hospital not ten miles away from TCNJ. Whoever stole them created a Code Blue by disconnecting a patient’s respirator tube and diverting the entire staff to his room. The supervising nurse went to get the necessary meds. She unlocked the narcotics cabinet, and was promptly killed for her efforts.”


“Her throat was slashed. The bastard severed her carotid artery. It looks like the weapon used was a small Bowie-type knife.” Derek grabbed his jacket. “I’m heading down to Trenton now.”

Sloane had already jumped to her feet and was gathering her things. “I’m going with you.”



DATE: 8 April

TIME: 0830 hours

Nightmares. Sweat. Flashes of Tyche, dying by my hand. Glimpses of hell. Hallucinations or realities. No longer sure. Can’t resume my other life. All my strength must go to serving the demons, and finalizing my arrangements. Then the goddesses and I will all move on to Mount Olympus.

I used to want only the eternal beauty of the afterlife for her. Now I crave peace for me. And Artemis. I need Artemis. She’ll heal my pain, join me in my splendor. I missed her yesterday. I drove by her house. Need to see her. Worth everything. But she’s not home. Where is she?

What if something happened? She could be hurt…violated…No. She can defend herself against anything. FBI agent. Too much time with him. Can’t let him try to corrupt her.

There’s no place on earth worthy of a goddess like Artemis. Her strength, her beauty, and her purity are lost on this world.

They’ll be embraced on Mount Olympus.

Must warn her.

Couldn’t do it yesterday. Tried to wait, but the morphine was making me sick. Gagging. Sweating. If I didn’t get home soon, I’d black out.

Tyche. It’s her fault. All of it. Filthy slut. Unworthy whore.

Men are pawns. Captives to the sluts who share their beds. Gone are decency, chivalry, protectiveness. Destroyed by society’s immorality and degradation. Destroyed by the whores who rule it.

Biao zhi. Infected me with her black soul. Kept me from Ar

Tags: Andrea Kane Burbank and Parker Mystery