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For the first time, Forensic Instincts was truly ready to consider this case closed.

Which was a good thing, considering how busy they were.

“This one hit hard,” Patrick commented, coming up behind Casey and reading her expression. “It took a lot out of all of us.”

“Not nearly what it took out of Amanda,” Casey replied.

“You know what I mean. An innocent baby whose life was in our hands. Quite a responsibility—one that we each personalized in our own way. Today is a celebration for Forensic Instincts, too.”

Casey turned to give Patrick a knowing look. “You’re full of it, Mr. Former FBI. You were so invested in our

last case—your first big one with us—that you ate, drank and slept it.”

“Different circumstances,” Patrick responded. “That kidnapping was a long-term thorn in my side. It haunted me for years. This case was another thing entirely.” He paused. “But you’re right. I do internalize our cases. We all do. That’s part of what makes us the team we are.”

“Even I was on shaky ground this time,” Marc freely admitted as he walked over to join them.

“You had your reasons.” Casey didn’t elaborate. She didn’t need to. Marc’s background and his Achilles’ heel were common knowledge among the FI team. “Plus, you brought this case to us—as a fait accompli.” She couldn’t help but add the slight dig.

“Yup. My overstepping of the boundaries. My rule-breaking. My responsibility.” That’s how it was with Marc. Short and to the point. “Just another reason I wasn’t going to fail.”

“Among others.”

Marc nodded, that sober, faraway look in his eyes. “Among others.”

“This time we made a difference,” Casey reminded him quietly. “It can’t erase past atrocities. But it can make one family very happy and give one baby the life he deserves.”

“You’re right.” Marc snapped back to the present, acknowledging the feat they’d accomplished.

“We done good,” Ryan announced, strolling over. “We should make one toast to ourselves. Too bad dogs aren’t allowed in hospital chapels. Hero should be here to share in the celebration.”

“Not to worry,” Claire assured him, still arranging flowers as she spoke. “I left Hero an interactive toy filled with treats. He’ll be wrestling with it all morning to extract his prizes.” She shot Ryan a look. “And, no, they’re not loaded with fat. He won’t gain an ounce. Besides, he was part of this victory. He sniffed out Paul. He helped us bring down Fenton. He deserves a reward.”

“No arguments, Claire-voyant.” Ryan gave her that lazy grin. “Each of us gets some of the credit for this one—even you and your energy-sensing.”

“Wow. A compliment.” Claire rolled her eyes. “Can I get that in writing?”

“Nope. I reserve the right to deny everything—especially if you piss me off during our next case.”

“Which I’m sure I will.”

Casey shook her head, laughing as she did. “We make quite a team. No wonder the FBI wants to choke us half the time.”

“Ah, but that other half of the time…” Ryan was as smug as always. “Look at our track record. Look at our rep. Enough said.”

“For now.” Casey the boss kicked in. “Let’s celebrate this hard-fought victory. Then it’s back to reality—and to work.”

* * * * *

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