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“It just takes time,” I repeat. “And if you want to practice magic, who am I to say that you shouldn’t?”

“Would you consider going back?”

I lick my lips, thinking it over. “I think so. I don’t have anything against it. I just couldn’t stay with it back then. It was too painful because my parents loved it so much.”

“I know. And I’m not saying you have to because I want to.”

“No.” I lean over and kiss her gently. “You wouldn’t say that. I think it’s something to think about.”

Someone knocks on the window, startling us both.

“Stop making out in the driveway and come in for dinner,” Brielle says and gestures for us to come inside.

“I guess she’s home from work,” Daphne mutters. “Although, I’m not hungry. Between beignets and Miss Annabelle cooking enough for an army, I may never eat again.”

“Let’s go in with the others.”

The dining room is big enough for all of us to fit around the table. Platters are passed back and forth, and there’s a lot of chatter and laughter.

It’s as if we do this every week.

Maybe we did in another lifetime.

“You have a strange look on your face,” Millie says across from me. “What’s on your mind? Why aren’t you two eating?”

“We already ate.” I shrug a shoulder. “I have questions about these past lives.”

Everyone around the table quiets and listens.

“You can ask anything,” Lucien says. “I remember it all.”

“That is an incredible burden to carry,” I reply. “I was just thinking that we all fit together here as if we’ve done it many times. It’s not awkward at all. No adjustments. So, I guess I was just curious if we’ve done this before.”

Lucien swallows his food and purses his lips. “Well, in some lifetimes, we all lived together under one roof. It was the culture of the time. So, yes, we’ve done it before.”

“Explains a lot,” I say with a nod. “Also, is it horrible that I’m finding it hard to wrap my head around it?”

“Not horrible at all,” Millie replies. “I’m still sorting it out, and I have memories. We’re in an unusual situation.”

“How is Oliver?” Miss Sophia asks.

“Oh, he looks so much better,” Daphne says. “Like a whole new man. I was so relieved when we walked into his room and found him smiling, looking refreshed, and appearing at least ten years younger.”

“Oh, that’s so great,” Brielle says.

“Who knew that being dehydrated could do so much damage?” Millie asks.

“Oh, there’s Miss Annabelle now,” Daphne says when her phone pings with a text. “She sent over the photo she took of you and Oliver at their house today. It’s really a great picture. We’ll have to frame it.”

I glance down at it, nod, and then do a double-take.

“What’s on him?” I ask.

“What do you mean?” Daphne says and looks closer. “It looks like shadows.”

“There are no shadows on me.” I take the phone from her and zoom in on the image. “Jesus. Oh, God.”

“What is it?” Miss Sophia holds her hand out for the phone, and I pass it down.

Oliver is covered in handprints. His face, his arms. It looks like someone slapped him over and over again.

“What is that?” Brielle asks, looking over Miss Sophia’s shoulder.

“I know,” Ruth says quietly, her voice shaky. “I know exactly what that is. He’s drawing his energy from Oliver. He’s using him.”

We all stare at each other in horror, and I immediately pick up the phone and call Oliver’s number. But he doesn’t pick up.

So, I call Miss Annabelle.

“Hello?” she says.

“Where’s Oliver?”

“Oh, he went back to the restroom to take a shower. Do you need him?”

“Yes, ma’am. Please go get him. Now.”

I can hear her walking through the house, opening a door.

“Ollie? Jack’s on the phone for you. Oh, honey. What’s wrong?”

“What is it?”

“He’s on the floor. Breathing hard again. Oh, Jackson, something’s wrong.”

“Pack your bags,” I say as I stand from the table. “You’re coming to stay here. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

“Coming with you,” Lucien says as he and Cash both hurry behind me.

“That son of a bitch,” I growl as I roar my engine to life. “That motherfucking asshole. I’m going to make him pay for this.”

Chapter Sixteen


“How?” I demand once Oliver and Miss Annabelle are settled in their room. Miss Sophia and Mama are with them, helping to soothe exposed nerves. “How in the hell is this maniac able to get to Oliver, even with the protection spells and crystals in place?”

“He took the crystal down,” Jack says and rubs his eyes. He’s exhausted. “He said he took it down from above the mirror to cast another spell. It was just long enough for said maniac to make a move and get his hands on him.”

“Poor Oliver,” Brielle whispers. “He doesn’t deserve this. He hasn’t done anything.”

“He loves me,” Jack speaks up, catching all of our attention. “Daphne and I, we’re the focus this time, right? Well, Oliver loves me, and that means Horace is fucking with him.”

Tags: Kristen Proby Bayou Magic Fantasy