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He wraps his arms around me and cradles my head against his chest, clearly aware that I’m in the middle of a mental breakdown.

Jackson always did give the best hugs around.

“I’m sorry.” He rocks me back and forth. “You’re right. It’s all bullshit. I hate that you’re scared and being tormented. I want to hunt the bastard down and kill him all over again, just for that alone. It’s not right.”

“He ruined my morning.” I sniff against him. “I was having a great day.”

“You still will,” he says and kisses my hair. “Especially when I tell you I sold that blue chair over there for the full asking price.”

My eyes follow his hand, and I nod. “Yeah, that’s good news. And I heard from the builder for Mama’s house when I was on my way to Millie’s earlier. They can start pouring the foundation next week.”

“See? It’s still a good day. Letting him mess everything up every time he does something like this is only making him happy,” he reminds me. “Let’s not give him that satisfaction.”

“It might make him escalate,” I warn him. “He tends to throw tantrums.”

“I don’t care about his tantrums. I care about you and your mental well-being.”

“Which means I need coffee,” I add and reach for the mug, taking a sip. “You know, Cash brought up a good point when I saw him. I told him I left the photo under the windshield wiper because I didn’t want to touch it.”

“Christ, you had to look at that while you drove?”

“Yeah, it sucked. Anyway, I don’t see anything when I touch the photos. I feel the heartbeat and heat, which is so damn creepy I don’t even want to think about it, but I don’t have visions of anything like I do when I touch other things. Is he blocking me?”

“He might be,” Jack says, thinking it over. “He might have cast some kind of spell on them so you can’t see anything. He wouldn’t want to be caught too soon.”

“I’m going to have to touch the body,” I say and set my mug aside. “When they find this new girl, I’m going to have to touch her.”

“Why?” He brushes my hair away from my face, sending shivers through me.

The good kind.

“Because he’s blocked me on the photos. But if I touch her, I might be able to see him. Or at least get a handle on some things. It helped when I touched one of the victims when he was still alive.”

“I think that’s too much, sweets,” he says, shaking his head slowly. “It’s too much to ask of you.”

“No, it’s not.” I take his hand in mine. “Jack, if I can make this end, it’s not too much at all. I’ll do anything to get rid of him for good.”

“I didn’t think you could read people,” he says with a scowl.

“I didn’t think I could either,” I say softly. “But nothing about this has been normal. Brielle saw full apparitions. Millie discovered all of her past lives with Lucien. It’s all been anything but normal.”

“I’m so sorry,” he whispers and pulls me against him. Those strong arms wrap around me once more. “I think we need an evening that doesn’t revolve around a paranormal serial killer.”

“Oh, do tell.”

I feel him smile against my hair.

“I’m going to make you dinner. And we’re going to watch a movie, something light that will make you laugh. And then I’m going to draw you a hot bath to soak in.”

“Well, that sounds pretty great.” I sigh and sink into him. “Can I have bubbles in my bath?”

“You can have anything you want, sweets.”

Chapter Twelve


“Maybe we should close the shop now and get started on the bubble bath early,” Daphne suggests and hugs me closer, making me laugh.

“It’s been steady in here this morning,” I reply and kiss her head, then let her pull away from me. If I could, I’d keep my arms around her all the time. At least then, I’d know she’s safe. “But if you want to play hooky, I’m always up for it.”

“You, Jackson Pruitt, are a bad influence.”

I grin and cross my arms over my chest. “I never claimed otherwise.”

She giggles, and suddenly, the edges of my vision grow fuzzy. Gray.

“Just stay in bed,” she coos and reaches for me with those talented hands as I slip out from under the covers. She falls facedown on the mattress when she misses me.

“You need coffee,” I remind her. “And I know what your wrath feels like when you’re deprived of caffeine first thing in the morning.”

“Well, yeah. Of course, I need coffee. But I could use something else first.” She waggles her eyebrows and lets the blanket fall to reveal her plump, full breasts.

The breasts I enjoyed all night long.

I crawl back onto the mattress and sink into her plump lips, enjoying how she gives herself to me so completely and without qualms.

Tags: Kristen Proby Bayou Magic Fantasy