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“You want the job?”

Do I want a job making gourmet sweet treats for rich mother fuckers with money to spend and a discerning palate? Fuck yeah.

“Uhm, I do.”

Even though it meant I’d have to stay in Vegas, which meant letting Teddy and Jana and Savior draw me into a life filled with bikers. Bikers like Ammo, the best dude I’d ever known, but also bikers like Roadkill MC. It was a mixed bag of shit and I wasn’t sure I was ready for all that.

“You might want to have a backup in case my therapy doesn’t go as expected.” The way my life went, it probably wouldn’t.

“So we have a deal.” It wasn’t a question and we both knew it.

“We have a deal.”

“Good, because this makes everything easier. Be here Friday at five.” Before I could say another word, he picked up his phone and dialed.

Chapter 22


“What do you mean she never left town? I’ve spent the past week looking for Mandy from Reno to Santa Fe and now I find out she’s been in Vegas the entire fucking time?” Yeah, I was pissed. “What the fuck, Teddy?”

She shrugged and flicked her red hair off her shoulders, looking like she wasn’t fazed in the least. “She was on her way out of town when she was picked up by the cops on the side of the road. They wanted to talk to her about the murder of that chick who roped her into this shit. I’m surprised they haven’t questioned you guys yet.”

I was surprised too, but right now I had more important things to focus on, like where the hell Mandy was hiding. “So where the fuck is she?”

“She’s safe. She asked for my help and I gave it to her. And I’m not giving her up unless she’s in danger.”

Both hands went to my head, sliding through my hair and clenching my jaws. “She is in danger, Teddy! Don’t you get it?”

Golden Boy stepped between us, a dark scowl on his face as he cleared his throat. I didn’t blame him. I would’ve done the same damn thing if it were my woman. Teddy, though, didn’t seem all that amused. “Oh calm down, Tate. I can handle myself and I can definitely handle this big lug,” she told him and looked at me with an arched brow. “Besides I know that men have an inability to show real emotion and this anger is worry and fear and anxiety because the woman he loves is out there and won’t take his help.”

“Who said I love her?” Why did women just toss the word out like they were talking about an ice-cold beer?

Her head fell back and with one hand gripping her growing belly as she laughed, like it was the funniest thing in the goddamn world.

“Are you seriously that stupid?” She held up a hand and shook her head, laughter still erupting every so often. “I guess so. Well then, since you don’t love her then you should trust me when I tell you she’s fine.”

“She’s not!” I roared at her and the fact that she didn’t even flinch pissed me off and impressed me. “Roadkill MC is after her. They’ve already killed Krissy; do you think they’ll hesitate to do the same to her when they find her?”

I couldn’t even think about that shit. If they touched one hair on her head, I’d be forced to become the man I hadn’t been in years. The stone-cold killer who’d do whatever it took to protect his brothers. Both in the sandbox and here at home.

“Because you’re the only one who could possibly keep her safe, right?” One long pink fingernail poked me in my chest. “For your information, I paid for her room and she has a new car, which is why you, Mr. Nosy Butt, saw her old one at the car lot.”

When she was done yelling at me, Teddy stepped back and crossed her arms, waiting for me to say something.

“Tell me where she is, Teddy.”

“No. She’s my friend and she called me, not you. If she wants to see you, she’ll let me know and I won’t tell you a minute before.”

Damn, I couldn’t help but smile at her loyalty. Mandy thought she didn’t have anyone left who gave a damn about her, but she did. Teddy was as feisty as a mama bear protecting her cubs.

“Don’t smile at me like that, you piss me off,” she snarled, trying to hide a grin.

“I know I do, and you should be, but I still need to know where she is.”

“Because you love her?”

I groaned and palmed my face. “Really, Teddy? Right now?”

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance