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Olivia looked at her sisters, both dressed in head-to-toe white, just like she was. Miranda, with her swollen belly, was in a white-cotton sundress and a simple lace veil. Natalie wore a white sheath dress topped with a lightweight cotton sweater with pearl buttons traveling up the middle. For herself, it was a simple white-silk maxi dress and flowers in her hair. The whole thing was completely crazy and made perfect sense at the same time.

“Salvation won’t forget about this wedding for a while,” Natalie said as she turned to face them.

“Yep.” Miranda waddled forward. “The guys can’t say they went into this thinking they were marrying into a normal family.”

Olivia gave her sisters a quick squeeze. “Okay, let’s do this.”

She pushed open the cabin’s front door and walked out into the field surrounded by trees whose leaves were at the peak of their fall red, gold and orange beauty, despite the unexpected warm weather so late in the season. The sun warmed her face as her gaze automatically sought out Mateo. He stood near a freshly painted arbor flanked by Logan and Sean. Her heart sped up at the sight of him, just like it always had. Just like it always would. The wedding march started and she stepped forward toward Mateo and her future.

Most of the town had come to watch the proceedings. Ruby Sue had her seat in the front row. Luciana and her family took up most of the second. No one in Salvation wanted to miss a Sweet triple wedding.

The ceremony flew by in a flash and before she knew it, she was wearing a simple gold band on her finger and facing Mateo.

“I now pronounce you husbands and wives,” the minister said. “Gentlemen, you may kiss your brides.”

Mateo dipped his head lower and his lips brushed across hers. Soft. Sexy. Promising more later, after all the people vacated his property and it was just them. It was everything Olivia always wanted and more. So much more.

“Oh my God!” Miranda squealed. “My water just broke.”

Chaos erupted.

Half the people in attendance whipped out their cell phones to call 911 or take photos to better document for later gossip sessions at The Kitchen Sink—it was Salvation, after all—and the rest surged forward to crowd around Miranda. Logan swept up his new bride, cradling her in his arms, and took off running toward his truck parked in Mateo’s drive. They drove away down the driveway, the “just married” streamers tied to his antenna flying in the wind and the cans tied to his bumper clanging against the ground.

“Hope you weren’t expecting things to get back to normal in your life, now that you’ve married into the Sweet family,” Olivia said.

Mateo threw back his head and laughed. “I think trouble is my new normal, and I wouldn’t have it any other way—as long as I have you.”

“You’ll always have me.” Rising up on her tiptoes, she brushed her lips across his. “Now let’s go before we miss everything.”

Olivia grabbed Mateo’s hand and they joined everyone else rushing to their cars to get to the hospital for the birth of the first in the next generation of Sweets.

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Tags: Avery Flynn Sweet Salvation Brewery Romance